
Neil McDermott, Jessica Ransom, Cassie Bradley and Matthew Douglas.

Home, I’m Darling

Malvern Theatres


What a great evening of quality theatre! Home, I’m Darling is a very entertaining yet positive and serious consideration of a number of significant and relevant themes around marriage, roles, income, feminism, sexual harassment and more.

As the show begins we are faced with a brilliant set: it seems like we have the whole of a residence before us, kitchen, parlour, sitting room, stairs and bedrooms above, all like an open doll’s house, bright and very 1950s.

Judy and John are a nostalgic throw back to the 50s. Though they are living in a modern society, they have chosen to live their lives as though they were still in that era. The décor, their roles – working and bread-winning husband and joyful house-bound wife and homemaker – are matched with colourful costumes, kitchen units and white goods all to take you back to an idealised past.

However as the play develops we realise that all is not as perfect and romantically ideal as at first appears. There are insecurities, social and financial pressures that grow like dark clouds to threaten their relationship. The challenges from Judy’s mother who marched with the feminists of her era and lived in a commune, the new female boss of John’s work, an estate agents, and John’s reduced commissions all expose the fragility of their dream.

jess abd diane

 Diane Keen and Jessica Ransom

This whole play is laced with plenty of humour and comic lines, as well as poignant moments which lead ultimately to a more healthy and realistic conclusion. This play has a bit of everything: it provides quality entertainment, plenty of comedy and provokes serious reflection as well.

Jessica Ransom is an excellent Judy – light, cheerful and dutiful as wife and housekeeper, she entertains us with the archetypal homemaker at the outset, but skilfully communicates her fragility as the play develops. Neil McDermott is the insecure husband John who is hoping for promotion at the estate agents to help cope with the mounting financial challenges of a home where there is now only one income.  

Diane Keen plays Sylvia, Judy’s Mum, who brings a strong and wholly convincing dose of reality, bursting the fantasy bubble that her daughter has imagined. Life in the 1950s was tough in many ways.

Cassie Bradley (Fran) and Matthew Douglas (Marcus) sweep in and out, friends of John and Judy, providing a contrasting picture of the modern couple, dancing, drinking and down-to-earth. They help the shifts in time and scene cleverly.

Shane Pattni (Alex) is John’s boss. Her relationship with John challenges the strength of John and Judy’s marriage. She skilfully presents an image of flirtatiousness at times but at others a cold professionalism.

This very successful show runs at Malvern to 04-03-23.  

Tim Crow


Judy and John will be moving house to The Alexandra Theatre, Birmingham on 25-04-23

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