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To find a review by title
then click on the appropriate letter. The theatre is indicated by its initial while month and date are indicated in parentheses after the title. Theatre codes and company codes: A - Alexandra Theatre Birmingham, BBC- Birmingham Bach Choir, BC - Welsh Ballet (Ballet Cymru), BL - Bloxwich Bookmark Library Theatre, BO - Bosworth Battlefield Heritage Centre, BOC - Birmingham Opera Company, BP- The Bear Pit, Stratford-upon-Avon, BL - Blue Orgamge, BR - Birmingham Rep, BRB - Birmingham Royal Ballet, BIDF - Birmingham International Dance Festival, CB - Coventry Belgrade, C - Crescent Theatre, Birmingham, CH -Coach House Theatre, Malvern, COV - Coventry City of
Culture 2021, CC - Coventry Cathedral, D - Derby, DF - Dream Factory,
Warwick, E- Elmhurst
Ballet School,
ETO - English Touring Opera, BOH -
Buxton Opera House, G - Wolverhampton Grand, H -
Birmingham Hippodrome, HL - The Hub, Lichfield, HO - Heritage Opera, IF - Imaginary Friend
Theatre Co, LCa -Lichfield Cathedral, LC - London Coliseum, LG - Lichfield
Garrick, LF - Longborough Festival. Liverpool, M - Malvern Festival
Theatre, MAC - the MAC, Midland Arts Centre, MIF - Manchester
International Festival, MP - Melting Pot Theatre, GO - Garsington Opera,
MS - Motorpoint Arena, Sheffield, NH - Nevill Holt,
NIA - National Indoor Arena, NEC - National
Exhibition Centre, NOT -
Nottingham Theatre Royal, NP - Nottingham Playhouse,
OJ - Old Joint Stock, OLD - Old Rep, OL-
on-line, OP -
Opus Theatre Company, OP - Oxford Playhouse, OR
- The Other RSC, OT - Original Theatre Online, PTC - Paperback Theatre Company, PW - Prince of Wales Theatre, Cannock, PYT - Palace Youth Theatre, Redditch,
PB - Playbox Theatre, Warwick, RSC - Royal Shakespeare Company, RO - Roses Theatre, Tewksbury, SC - Sheffield Crucible, SC - Sheffield Crucible, SF - Shop Front
Theatre, Coventry, SG - Stafford
Gatehouse, STG - St George's Church, Edgbaston SH - Symphony Hall, THSH -
Town Hall/Symphony Hall, U - Unity Theatre, UT - Uppingham Theatre, WA -
Wolverhampton Arena, WAC - Warwick Arts Centre, WNO - Welsh National
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