To find a review by title then click on the appropriate letter.
To find a review  for a show at a particular theatre then click on By Theatre
Productions which start with A or An and so on will come under A, titles starting with The will be listed under T. Numbers will be listed under starting letters, i.e. 39 is listed as thirty.

The theatre is indicated by its initial while  month and date are indicated in parentheses after the title. 

Theatre codes and company codes:

A - Alexandra Theatre Birmingham, BBC- Birmingham Bach Choir, BC - Welsh Ballet (Ballet Cymru), BL - Bloxwich Bookmark Library Theatre, BO - Bosworth Battlefield Heritage Centre, BOC - Birmingham Opera Company, BP- The Bear Pit, Stratford-upon-Avon, BL - Blue Orgamge, BR - Birmingham Rep, BRB - Birmingham Royal Ballet, BIDF - Birmingham International Dance Festival, CB - Coventry Belgrade, C - Crescent Theatre, Birmingham, CH -Coach House Theatre, Malvern,

COV - Coventry City of Culture 2021, CC - Coventry Cathedral, D - Derby, DF - Dream Factory, Warwick, E- Elmhurst Ballet School, ETO - English Touring Opera, BOH - Buxton Opera House, G - Wolverhampton Grand, H - Birmingham Hippodrome, HL - The Hub, Lichfield, HO - Heritage Opera, IF - Imaginary Friend Theatre Co, LCa -Lichfield Cathedral,  LC - London Coliseum, LG - Lichfield Garrick, LF - Longborough Festival. Liverpool, M - Malvern Festival Theatre, MAC - the MAC, Midland Arts Centre, MIF - Manchester International Festival, MP - Melting Pot Theatre, GO - Garsington Opera, MS - Motorpoint Arena, Sheffield, NH - Nevill Holt, NIA - National Indoor Arena, NEC - National Exhibition Centre, NOT - Nottingham Theatre Royal, NP - Nottingham Playhouse, OJ - Old Joint Stock, OLD - Old Rep, OL- on-line, OP - Opus Theatre Company, OP - Oxford Playhouse, OR - The Other RSC, OT - Original Theatre Online, PTC - Paperback Theatre Company, PW - Prince of Wales Theatre, Cannock, PYT - Palace Youth Theatre, Redditch, PB - Playbox Theatre, Warwick, RSC - Royal Shakespeare Company, RO - Roses Theatre, Tewksbury, SC - Sheffield Crucible, SC - Sheffield Crucible, SF - Shop Front Theatre, Coventry, SG - Stafford Gatehouse, STG - St George's Church, Edgbaston SH - Symphony Hall, THSH - Town Hall/Symphony Hall, U - Unity Theatre, UT - Uppingham Theatre, WA - Wolverhampton Arena, WAC - Warwick Arts Centre, WNO - Welsh National Opera, WR-Worcester Rep, BO - Blue Orange Theatre, YV - Young Vic`, SW - Swan Theatre Worcester, AR - The Artrix, Bromsgrove RDC - Rutherford Dance Company RD - Royal & Derngate, Northampton, SR - Stoke Rep, WT - Worcester Theatres,



  B  C  D  E  G  H  I  J  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  By Theatre




A beautiful ending BR (01-16)

Abigail's Party M (04-17)

Abigail's Party D (10-18)

Abigail's Party A (01-19)

Abigail’s Party M (07-23)

A boy was Born TH (01-13)

A Brave Face M (03-18)

Absurd Person Singular CB (06-21)

Absurd Person Singular M (06-21)

A Chorus Line H (09-24)

A Christmas Carol BR (12-13)

A Christmas Carol D (12-14)

A Christmas Carol LG (12-11)

A Christmas Carol M (01-16)

A Christmas Carol RSC (01-18)

A Christmas Carol RSC (12-18)

A Christmas Carol M (12-22)

A Christmas Carol BR (11-24)

A Christmas Carol D (11-24)

A Christmas Getaway LG (12-23)

Acosta Danza’s Evolution H (11-19)

Admissions M (06-19)

A Farewell To Arms BR (11-14)

Africarmen H (03-17)

After This Plane Has Landed  OJS (07-23)

A Grand Music Hall G (06-18)

A habit of art BR 09-10

Ainadamar WNO (11-23)

A Judgement in Stone A (02-17)

A Judgement in Stone M (05-17)

Ailey 2 The Next Generation of Dance H (10-23)

Alice and The Library Tree STG (09-19)

All Or Nothing CB (05-17)

All Or Nothing G (06-17)

All You Need is LSD BR (10-18)

All you Need is LSD CB (11-18)

A Life of Galileo BR (03-14)

A mad world my masters M (03-15)

A Mad World, My Masters RSC (07-13)

A Man For All Seasons M (02-25)

Amedee BR (02-17)

Amélie – The Musical A (07-19)

Amélie  – the Musical M (07-19)

Am I dead yet? BR (05-17)

A Midsummer Night's Dream BO (06-13)

A Midsummer Night's Dream CB (02-14)

A Midsummer Nights Dream G (02-11)

A Midsummer Night's Dream RSC (03-16)

A Midsummer Night's Dream CB (06-19)

A Midsummer Night’s Dream MAC (07-19)

A Midsummer Night’s Dream M (04-34)

A Midsummer Night’s Dream M (11-23)

A Midsummer Night's Dream CB (04-24)

A Monster Calls CB (03-20)

A Murder has been arranged G (07-13)

A murder is announced G (11-15)

A murder is announced LG (02-16)

A murder is announced M (09-15)

A Murder is Announced M (06-22)

And this is my friend Mr Laurel GP (06-18)

A Museum in Baghdad RSC (10-19)

A Night at the Opera LG (09-11)

A Night at the Proms LG (09-10)

A Night of Burlesque OJS (07-13)

Animal Farm BR (01-22)

Animal Farm CB (04-22)

Animal Farm G (05-22)

Animal Farm D (02-24)

Animal Farm WR (10-24)

An Officer and a Gentleman - The Musical H (05-18)

An Officer and a Gentleman A (02-24)

An Officer and a Gentleman - the musical G (09-24)

A November Day M (10-14)

Antigone WR (10-22)

Antony and Cleopatra RSC (04-17)

A Passion for Birmingham OJ (04-14)

A passionate woman M (03-17)

April in Paris CB (05-21)

Art H (05-18)

Art M (02-19)

Art M (09-24)

Art CB (10-24)

A Raisin in the Sun CB (03-16)

Are We Where We Are? SF (05-17)

Ask me anything H (03-20)

A Summer in the South BR (02-15)

A Swinging Affair CB (6-15)

As you Like It RSC (07-23)

A tale of two cities G (10-16)

A Taste of Honey M (06-14)At Ease OJS (06-15)

A time and place TH (09-14)

A translation of shadows BR (09-15)

A Trivial Pursuit OP (11-13)

Augmented BR (03-20)

A Victorian High Tea LG (06-11)

A view from the bridge CB (04-15)

A view from the bridge G (03-15)

Awful Auntie G (03-24)

A Womb of One's Own OJ (05-17)

Absent Friends CB (06-15)

Absent Friends D (07-15)

Absent Friends M (08-15)

Abuelo BR (01-16)

ACDCUK LG (09-14)

Admission: One Shilling LG (06-11)

Adolf Hitler: My Part in his downfall BR (03-10)

Adrians Wall M (09-14)

Advice for the Young at Heart BR (02-14)After Miss Julie M (06-16)

Aida G (11-13)

Aida G (11-16)

A Judgement in Stone (09-17)

Aladdin BRB (02-13)

Aladdin CB (11-14)

Aladdin G (12-10)

Aladdin G (12-16)

Aladdin H (12-15)

Aladdin M (12-14)

Aladdin BRB (10-17)

Aladdin LG (12-17)

Aladdin SC (12-19)

Aladdin M (12-19)

Aladdin G (12-22)

Aladdin WR (12-24)

Alice in Wonderland D (12-16)

Alice in Wonderland LG (12-12)

Alice in Wonderland OLD (11-21)

Alice in Wonderland D (06-24)

Aliens love underpants G (07-15)

All my sons BR (03-15)

All My Sons M (04-15)

All or nothing M (10-16)

All Shook Up U (05-14)

All Star Stand Up Tour D (05-16)

All Star Stand Up Tour 2017 D (05-17)

All The Fun of the Fair A (09-11)

All the fun of the fair G (04-12)

Almost Human & Precious Jewel LG (10-10)

Alvin Ailey H (09-16)

Alvin Ailey H (10-10)

American Idiot A (05-16)

American Idiot A (11-12)

American Idiot OJS (02-16)

American Idiot M (02-19)

American Idiot A (04-19)

A Moment of Madness BR (05-19)

An Evening of Burlesque A (09-14)

An Evening of Burlesque G (05-13)

An Evening of Burlesque M (07-13)

An Evening of Music and Dance BRB (01-14)

An Evening of Music and Dance BRB (01-15)

An Evening of Music and Dance BRB (01-18)

An Evening of Music and Dance BRB (05-22)

An Evening Shared CB (03-17)

An Inspector Calls G (02-16)

An Inspector Calls M (11-19)

An Inspector Calls CB (02-23)

And Then There Were None A (02-15)

And then there were none CB (02-15)

And then there were none D (11-15)

And Then There Were None M (03-15)

And Then There Were None M (10-23)

Aneckxander H (10-16)

Animal Farm BR (01-22)

Animal Farm CB (04-22)

Animal Farm G (05-22)

Anita and me BR (10-15)

Anita and Me G (02-17)

Anna Bolena WNO (11-13)

Anne Boleyn A (03-12)

Anne Boleyn M (04-12)

Annie A (08-13)

Annie G (04-16)

Annie G (11-11)

Annie G (02-19)

Annie H (07-19)

Annie A (04-23)

Annie G (10-23)

Annie Get Your Gun A (07-14)

Annie Get Your Gun A (07-14)

Annie H (10-15)

An Officer and a Gentleman - The Musical H (05-18)

An Officer and a Gentleman - The Musical G (09-24)

Anon WNO (03-14)

Another Country M (06-14)

Antigone M (08-18)

A Pacifist's Guide to the War on Cancer CB (02-18)

A Picture of Elf WR (12-19)

Approaching Empty CB (03-19)

April in Paris CB (10-14)

April in Paris M (08-14)

A Princess Undone  M (10-17)

Arabella Weir LG (03-11)

Arcadia A (03-15)

Arcadia M (04-15)

Are We Where We Are SF (10-18)

Ariadne Auf Naxos WNO (11-10)

Around The World in 80 Days D (11-17)

Around The World In 80 Days M (02-23)

Around the world in 80 days D (06-23)

Arthur & George BR (04-10)

Artifact H (04-12)

Ascent E (07-22)

Ashton Double Bill BRB (02-16)

Asking for it BR (02-20)

A Song at Twilight M (03-19)

A Splinter of Ice M (06-21)

A Streetcar Named Desire M (04-18)

As you Like It RSC (07-23)

A Taste of Honey G (11-19)

A Thousand Splendid Suns BR (05-19)

Atomos A (06-18)

Autumn Glory BRB (10-11)

Autumn Mixed Bill BRB (09-19)

A Valentine’s Celebration of Music and Dance BRB (02-20)

Avenue Q A (09-14)

Avenue Q G (02-12)

Avenue Q H (05-11)

Avenue Q LG (07-14)

Avenue Q M (10-15)

Avenue Q A (02-19)

Avenue Q D (03-19)

A Virgin’s Guide to Hiring an Escort BL (07-23)

A Voyage Round My Father M (10-23)

Awakenings E (07-19)

Awful Auntie CB (02-18)

Awful Auntie A (10-24)


Back in Harmony WAC (11-19)

Badass Medusa #MeToo WT (03-22)

Bad Jews A (05-16)

Bad Jews M (10-15)

Bah Humbug! WR (12-18)

Ballet Black Triple Bill H (05-17)

Ballet Black Heroes BR (06-24)

Balletboyz - Fourteen Days LG (11-17)

Band of Gold A (02-20)

Barbara Nice OR 05-10

Barbara Nice's Countdown to Christmas OJS (12-12)

Barbara Nice's Raffle H(10-18)

Barber Shop Chronicles BR (09-19)

Barnum G (01-15)

Bat out of Hell - The Musical A (01-2)

Being Mr Wickham CB (09-21)

BE Festival FRI BR (06-16)

BE Festival Sat BR (06-15)

BE Festival Thur BR (06-15)

BE Festival Tue BR (06-16)

BE Festival Wed BR (06-15)

BE Festival Wed BR (06-16)

BE Festival Wed BR (07-17)

BE Festival Fri BR (07-17)

BE Festival Thur BR (07-18)

BE Festival Sat (07-18)

BE Festival Fri (06-19)

BE Festival Wed (07-19)

Beautiful - The Musical H (11-17)

Beautiful  - The Musical G (06-18)

Beatrice & Benedict WNO (03-12)

Beautiful - The Carole King Musical M (05-22)

Beautiful – The Carole King Musical H (08-22)

Beautiful: the Carole King Musical CB (11-22)

Beauty and the Beast BC (05-14)

Beauty and the Beast BRB (09-11)

Beauty and the Beast BRB (09-14)

Beauty and the beast CB (11-15)

Beauty and the Beast M (11-18)

Beauty and the Beast BRB (02-19)

Beauty and the Beast CB (11-21)

Beauty and the Beast M (12-22)

Beauty and the Beast - The Musical H (03-22)

Beauty and the Beast LG (11-23)

Beauty and the Beast G (12-24)

Beckett Trilogy BR (09-14)

Becoming Nancy BR (10-24)

Bedknobs and Broomsticks A (11-21)

Bedknobs and Broomsticks G (04-22)

Bedroom Farce G (11-10)

Before The Party M (09-15)

Ben & Holly's Little Kingdom G (04-19)

Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom Live A (07-19)

Ben and Imo RSC (03-24)

Benidorm -live A (12-18)

Bernie Dieter’s Club Kabarett COV (05-22)

Beryl BR (11-15)

Betrayal D (03-17)

Beyond Borders BIDF (06-21)

Beyond Caring BR (06-16)

Beyond Shame D (09-18)

Beyond Van Gogh NEC (07-24)

Bhangra Nation BR (02-24)

Blue/Orange BR (02-19)

Billionaire Boy - The Musical CB (02-19)

Billionaire Boy A (11-19)

Billionaire Boy CB (02-22)

Billionaire Boy G (05-22)

Billy Budd NOT (11-16)

Billy Elliot - The Musical H (03-17)

Bird BR (10-14)

Birds and beasts WNO H (07-10) 

Birds of a Feather A (05-12)

Birds of a Feather CB (02-13)

Birds of a Feather G (03-12)

Birdsong BR (03-14)

Birdsong CB (01-13)

Birdsong M (06-18)

Birdsong D (06-18)

Birdsong A (06-18)

Birdsong M (11-24)

Birdsong BR (01-24)

Birmingham Conservatoire Double Bill DF (07-22)

Birmingham Improv Festival BO (10-17)

Black Coffee A (07-14)

Black Coffee CB (05-15)

Black Coffee G (02-14)

Black Coffee M (04-14)

Black Men Walking CB (02-18)

Black Sabbath – The Ballet BRB (09-23)

Blaze of Glory WNO (05-23)

Blaze: The Streetdance Sensation H (10-10)

Blithe Spirit M (01-20)

Blockbuster The Musical A (09-14)

Blood Brothers G (02-11)

Blood Brothers CB (01-14)

Blood Brothers G ((05-10)

Blood Brothers G (04-13)

Blood Brothers G (10-15)

Blood Brothers H (10-10)

Blood Brothers H (10-12)

Blood Brothers H (10-14)

Blood Brothers H (10-16)

Blood Brothers M (01-14)

Blood Brothers M (02-12)

Blood Brothers M (09-16)

Blood Brothers CB (03-17)

Blood Brothers G (04-18)

Blood Brothers M (01-19)

Blood Brothers H (10-19)

Blood Brothers H (11-21)

Blood Brothers M (03-22)

Blood Brothers G (09-22)

Blood Brothers CB (03-23)

Blood Brothers LG (09-23)

Blood Brothers M (01-24)

Blood Brothers H (04-24)

Blood Brothers G (01-25)

Bloody Mary LIVE! COV (09-21)

Blood CB (04-15)

Blood Wedding MAC (10-14)

Blue Orange A (10-12)

Bombay Superstar CB (10-22)

Bonnie & Clyde G (03-24)

Boogie Nights A (08-18)

Boulevard Solitude WNO (03-14)

Bouncers G (10-12)

Bouncers WR (05-23)

Bourgeois and Maurice BR (06-16)

Brassed Off CB (04-14)

Brassed Off D (09-15)

Brassed Off G (04-14)

Brassed Off G (08-17)

Brassed Off D (10-23)

Brave New World G (11-15)

Breakfast at Tiffany's A (04-16)

Breakfast at Tiffany's M (10-16)

Breakin’ Convention H (06-23)

Brendan Cole - Live and Unjudged A (01-12)

Brief Encounter BR (02-18)

Brideshead Revisited M (05-16)

Bridesmaids of Britain M (09-23)

Brighton Rock BR (04-18)

Brighton Rock D (05-18)

Bring it on A (08-23)

Bring on the Bollywood CB (04-16)

Bring on The Bollywood CB (05-17)

Broken Biscuits BR (11-16)

Brown Boys Swim BR (11-23)

Buddy - The Buddy Holly Story A (11-11)

Buddy - The Buddy Holly Story CB (10-16)

Buddy - The Buddy Holly Story G (04-11)

Buddy - The Buddy Holly Story H (06-14)

Buddy -The Buddy Holly Story G (01-17)

Buddy -The Buddy Holly Story G (05-14)

Buddy - The Buddy Holly Story A (03-17)

Buddy -The Buddy Holly Story CB (11-19)

Buddy - The Buddy Holly Story A (03-20)

Bugsy Malone A (08-11)

Bugsy Malone - The Musical BR (07-22)

Burn The Floor H (10-11)

Busting Out! LG (07-10)

Busybody G (06-11) 

Bygones BIDF (06-22)

By The Waters of Liverpool LG (10-23)


Cabaret G (11-13)

Cabaret M (10-17)

Cabaret G (09-19)

Cabaret M (11-19)

Cabaret XXL BR (01-16)

Cabaret XXL BR (04-16)

Cadfael - The Virgin In The Ice G (03-13)

Cadfael - The Virgin in the Ice LG (10-13)

Cadfael: The Virgin in the Ice M (04-13)

Cadiz E (06-14)

Calamity Jane A (02-15)

Calamity Jane M (12-14)

Calendar Girls G (10-11)

Calendar Girls G (10-11)

Calendar Girls - The Musical G (09-19)

Calendar Girls – The Musical A (10-23)

Calling for help mac (04-16)

Candide A (07-23)

Carlos Acosta's Nutcracker in Havana G (01-25)

Carlos Acosta - On Before H (05-24)

Carlos Acosta Premieres Plus H (08-11)

Carlos Curates: R&J Reimagined BRB (10-21)

Carmen M (03-16)

Carmen NH (07-15)

Carmen WNO (11-14)

Carmen WNO (11-19)

Carmilla G (07-14)

Carnaby Street A (06-13)

Carnaby Street M (11-13)

Caroline's Kitchen D (01-19)

Catch 22 BR (05-15)

Catch me if you can M (03-22)

Catch Me If You Can A (04-22)

Cathy WAC (02-17)

Cats G (03-13)

Cats H (05-16)

Cats H (09-14)

Cavalleria rusticana and Pagliacci WNO (06-16)

Centenary Gala E (07-23)

Changing Rooms D (07-11)

Charley's Aunt WR (07-17)

Charlie and Lola's Extremely New Play BR (05-14)

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory H (10-23)

Charlie & Stan M (08-21)

Charlie Peace CB (11-13)

Chess G (10-10)

Chess H (02-11)

Chewing the Fat BR (05-15)

Chicago - The Musical A (03-12)

Chicago - The Musical A (12-16)

Chicago - The Musical G (05-12)

Chicago - The musical G (06-16)

Chicago - The Musical G (10-21)

Chicago - The Musical A (01-22)

Chin-Chin M (11-13)

Chip off the block LG (05-11)

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang H (09-16)

Chocolateria Hysteria LG (09-10)

Choke SF (02-18)

Chorale: A Sam Shepard Roadshow CB (05-14)

Chorus! WNO (03-15)

Chotto Desh H (01-16)

Christmas Oratorio BBC (11-22)

Christmas Present and Correct  LG (12-24)

Christmas with The Rat Pack - Live from Las Vegas A (11-11)

Christmas with The Rat Pack A (12-14)

Cilla - The Musical A (10-17)

Cinderella BRB (11-10)

Cinderella BRB (11-12)

Cinderella BRB (02-17)

Cinderella Dreams BRB (02-17)

Cinderella D (12-15)

Cinderella G (12-14)

Cinderella H (12-11)

Cinderella LG (12-14)

Cinderella M (12-17)

Cinderella on Ice LG (04-13)

Cinderella on ice M (12-11)

Cinderella WAC (01-13)

Cinderella CB (11-17)

Cinderella H (12-17)

Cinderella LG (12-19)

Cinderella G (12-21)

Cinderella WT (12-22)

Cinderella CB (11-23)

Cinderella M (12-23)

Circles BR (05-14)

Circus 1903 H (10-19)

Cirque Berserk BR (03-15)

Cirque Berserk BR (02-17)

Cirque Berserk A (03-18)

Cirque Berserk CB (07-18)

Cirque du Magique G (10-24)

Cirque Éloize Cirkopolis H (03-15)

Cirque Éloize H (11-11)

City of a Thousand Trades BRB (06-21)

Classic Ghosts LG (02-14)

Cling To Me Like Ivy BR (02-10)

Club Tropicana G (04-19)

Club Tropicana CB (05-19)

Cluedo CB (03-22)

Cluedo A (05-22)

Cluedo M (06-22)

Cluedo G (07-22)

Cluedo 2 – The Next Chapter M (04-24)

Cluedo2: The Next Chapter A (07-24)

Coal H (02-16)

Coal D (05-17)

Cockroached OJS (06-16)

Cold Calling: The arctic project BR (09-16)

Collidoscope BR (03-15) 

Come From Away H (05-24)

Come from Away G (11-24)

Coming to England BR (04-22)

Coming to England LG (10-24)

Community Service CB (04-24)

Concerts in the Park CBSO (06-18)

Concerts in the Park CBSO (06-19)

Confessions of Honour LG (11-11)

Confessions of Honour OR (10-11)

Confirmation BR (12-15)

Confusions M (03-16)

Contemporary 2.0 H (11-22)

Copenhagen M (07-21)

Coppélia BRB H (02-15)

Coppélia BRB H (06-11)

Coppélia BRB H (06-13)

Coppélia BRB H (06-17)

Coppélia BRB (10-22)

Coppelia G (02-13)

Coriolanus RSC (09-17)

Corrie A (03-11)

Cosi Fan Tutte G (04-13)

Cosi fan tutte WNO (11-12)

Cosi fan tutte WNO H (06-11)

Così Fan Tutte WNO (05-24)

Cougars - The Musical CB (05-15)

Counting and Cracking BR (08-22)

Cowbois RSC (10-23)

Cranford G (03-11)

Crazy For You H (10-17)

Crazy for You M (02-12)

Crazy for you G (05-18)

Crimes against Christmas LG (12-16)

Crimes on Centre Court M (09-23)

Crimes on the Christmas Express LG (12-17)

Crimes of the Christmas Pudding LG (12-18)

Crimes on the Coast OLD (10-19)

Crongton Knights CB (02-20)

Cruel H (05-10)

Crush CB (09-15)

Cuddles mac (04-15)

Curtains A (11-19)

Custody CB (05-19)

Cymbeline RSC (06-16)

Cyrano D (05-17)

Cyrano Ox (05-17)


Dad's Army Marches On A (06-10)

Dada Masilo’s Giselle H (10-19)

Dance Sampled H (03-17)

Dance til Dawn A (04-14)

Dance 'til Dawn A (02-15)

Dance Track 25 BRB (05-22)

Dancing at Lughnasa BR (03-10)

Dancing in the Streets A (04-12)

Dandy Dick A (08-12)

Dangerous Corner BR (11-14)

Dangerous Corner M (11-14)

Danza Contemporanea de Cuba H (05-12)

Dark and Lovely BR (11-15)

Darkness and Light BRB (06-14)

Dawn French - 30 million minutes  (06-14)

Daytona BR (10-13)

Daytona M (10-13)

Dead dog in a suitcase BR (09-15)

Dead Good M (02-20)

Dead Lies LG (05-22)

Dead Sheep BR (09-16)

Dead Sheep CB (10-16)

Dead Sheep M (11-16)

Dead Simple CB (01-15)

Dead Simple M (02-15)

Dead Simple A (06-15)

Dear Evan Hansen A (10-24)

Demon Dentist A (06-23)

Dear Lupin M (05-15)

Dear Zoo CB (04-18)

Death of a Beauty Saleswoman OJ (09-11)

Death by Fatal Murder G (07-11)

Death Drop A (11-21)

Death Drop Back in The Habit A (03-23)

Death By Fatal Murder LG (10-11)

Death of a Salesman M (05-17)

Death in Venice WNO (05-24)

Deathtrap A (11-17)

Debut - Acosta Danza H (10-17)

Deca Dance - Batsheva Ensemble H (11-12)

Derren Brown - Showman A (10-21)

Der Rosenkavalier WNO (07-17)

Design for Murder G (06-14)

Desiring God BIDF (06-22)

Dial M for Mayhem (08-24)

Dial M for Mayhem D (09-24)

Dial M for Murder M (04-14)

Dial M for Murder BR (05-14)

Dial M for Murder CB (01-16)

Dial M for Murder G (04-16)

Dial M for Murder M (11-21)

Dick Whittington H 12-10

Dick Whittington CB (11-16)

Dick Whittington H (12-16)

Dick Whittington LG (12-18)

Dick Whittington G (12-19)

Dick Whittington H (12-22)

Dick Whittington CB (11-24)

Dickens Abridged M (10-15)

Dido, Queen of Carthage RSC (09-17)

Die Flederrmaus WNO (03-11)

Die Fledermaus WAC (01-17)

Die Fledermaus WNO (06-17)

Die Fledermaus WNO (11-17)

Die tote Stadt LF (07-22)

Dim Sun Nights BR (11-12)

Dinosaur World D (05-17)

Dinosaur World M (10-17)

Dinosaur World CB (10-17)

Dinosaur World Live TH (05-18)

Dinnerladies - Second Helpings G (03-11)

Dinnerladies: Second helpings A (07-11)

Dinosaur Zoo H (03-15)

Dirty Dancing H (07-12)

Dirty Dancing G (09-14)

Dirty Dancing G (11-16)

Dirty Dancing CB (01-17)

Dirty Dancing A (05-17)

Dirty Dancing G (04-19)

Dirty Dancing A (10-21)

Dirty Dancing CB (11-21)

Dirty Rotten Scoundrels A (05-15)

Disco Pigs BR (09-16)

Disney's Aladdin H (10-24)

Diversity: Connected A (04-22)

Doctor Faustus RSC (04-16)

Dr Faustus M (09-20)

Dr Marigold & Mr Chops M (11-11)

Doctor in the House G (06-12)

Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde M (02-18)

Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde G (05-18)

Domestica BR (10-16)

Don Giovanni G (09-12)

Don Giovanni WNO (11-11)

Don Giovanni WAC (01-14)

Don Giovanni HO (06-16)

Don Giovanni WNO (03-18)

Don Quixote RSC (03-16)

Don Pasquale mac (07-21)

Don't Dress for Dinner M (05-17)

Don't Stop Believin' G (11-10)

Don Quixote BRB (02-22)

Dora The Explorer Live A (07-13)

Dracula H (10-14)

Dracula G (11-10)

Dracula D (09-24)

Dracula M (01-25)

Dracula: Mina’s Reckoning CB (10-23)

Dracula: The Kisses MAC (10-14)

Dragons and Mythical Beasts COV (04-22)

Dreamboats and Miniskirts A (10-14)

Dreamboats and miniskirts M (10-14)

Dreamboats and Miniskirts CB (11-14)

Dreamboats and Petticoats H (05-10)

Dreamboats and Petticoats H (06-11)

Dreamboats and Petticoats G (11-11)

Dreamboats and Petticoats M (12-11)

Dreamboats and Petticoats G (09-13)

Dreamboats and Petticoats M (04-14)

Dreamcoats and Petticoats A (03-14)

Dreamboats and Petticoats A (05-17)

Dreamboats and Petticoats A (03-22)

Dreamgirls A (12-22)

Drive Your Plough Over the Bones of the Dead CB (04-23)

Driving Miss Daisy M (11-12)

Driving Miss Daisy CB (02-13)

Driving Miss Daisy G (04-13)

Driving Miss Daisy M (11-17)

Drop the Dead Donkey A (04-24)

Duet For One BR (09-17)

Duet For One M (11-17)

Duet for One G (10-18)

Dunsinane BR (09-13)

Dusk Rings a Bell OJS (11-13)

Dusty Limits BR (12-16)


84 Charing Cross Road G (05-18)

84 Charing Cross Road M (06-18)

Eastend Cabaret BR (10-16)

East is East A (01-15)

East is East BR (09-21)

Eat! BR (10-12)

Edifying Eddy HL (09-21)

Edmond de Bergerac BR (03-19)

Educating Rita M (05-12)

Educating Rita LG (06-13)

Educating Rita D (02-17)

Educating Rita G (07-19)

Educating Rita M (08-19)

Edward Scissorhands H (02-15)

Egusi Soup BR (03-14)

Elephant BR (02-18)

Elements of Freestyle H (06-18)

Elsie and Norm's Macbeth WR (07-21)

Emily Brown and the Thing H (12-18)

E=MC2, Tombeaux, Still Life at the Penguin Café, BRB (10-13)

Emma M (06-17)

End of the Rainbow H (10-11)

End of the Rainbow CB (02-16)

End of the Rainbow M (04-16)

End of the Rainbow G (04-16)

Enid Blyton – Noddy, Big Ears and Lashings of Controversy CH (07-23) 

Enron BR (09-10)

Essence of Ireland G (04-11)

Eternal Love G (02-14)

Eternal Love M (03-14)

Eugene Onegin WNO (11-17)

Eugene Onegin M (06-18)

Everybody’s Talking About Jamie A (09-21)

Everyone’s talking about Jamie H (10-23)

Everybody's talking about Jamie G (01-24)

Evita H (09-11)

Evita G (08-13)

Evita M (05-14)

Evita G (05-17)

Evita H (03-18)

Evita M (09-18)

Evita CB (09-18)

Extraordinary Wall of Silence H (01-20)

Extra Time D (10-21)


Fagin's Twist H (10-16)

Faithful Ruslan CB (09-17)

Faith Healer M (09-23)

Fallen Angels M (09-13)

Fallen Angels G (10-13)

Fame! The Musical A (08-10)

Fame - The Musical G (03-13)

Fame - The Musical A (11-18)

Fame - The Musical G (11-19)

Fame A (08-22)

Family Tree CB (03-23)

Fantastic Mr Fox G (05-11)

Fantastic Mr Fox CB (04-17)

FANY OJS (04-15)

Fanny - A New Musichall LG (06-17)

Fantastically great women  who changed the world the musical CB (02-24)

Far from the Madding Crowd BRB (06-12)

Farm Boy LG (03-24)

Fashion Spies COV (09-21)

Fascinating Aida TH (10-23)

Fatal Attraction A (03-22)

Fat Friends - The Musical A (04-18)

Father Brown M (09-15)

Faustus: That Damned Woman BR (02-20)

Fences M (04-13)

Fiction M (10-14)

Fiddler on the Roof G (10-13)

Fiddler on the Roof M (07-24)

Fidelio WNO (11-10)

Fidelio Edinburgh (08-13)

Figaro gets a divorce WNO (03-16)

Fighting Irish CB (04-22)

Figs in Wigs BR (02-16)

Finding Joy CB (11-17)

Fire & Fury BRB (10-18)

First Steps - A child's Swan Lake BRB (02-10)

First Steps: A Child's The Dream BRB (02-16)

First Steps Swan Lake BRB (02-20)

Fishermen's Friends A (09-22)

5 Lesbians Eating a Quiche OJS (10-17)

5 soldiers BR (04-15)

51 Shades of Maggie M (10-13)

51 Shades of Maggie G (02-14)

Fisherman's Friends: The Musical M (03-23)

Five D (08-19)

Flare Path M (09-15)

Flare Path CB (11-15)

Flare Path D (04-16)

Flare Path BR (04-16)

Flashdance A (12-17)

Flashdance CB (09-18)

Fleabag BR (01-15)

Flying Solo BR (02-16)

Folk BR (04-16)

FOLK H (09-16)

Footloose G (06-11)

Footloose H (03-11)

Footloose - The Musical A (08-14)

Footloose - The Musical A (07-16)

Footloose G (07-22)

Footloose CB (06-17)

Forests BR (09-12)

Footloose A (04-22)

For the Past 30 Years BR (10-14)

42nd Street A (07-12)

42nd Street G (10-12)

42nd Street A (08-15)

Four Quartets M (07-21)

Fracked! M (04-17)

Frankie and Johnny in the Claire de Lune G (04-10)

Frankenstein D (09-23)

Frankenstein  M (11-23)

Frankenstein LG (10-24)

Frankie Goes to Bollywood G (06-24)

Freefall-at-21 BRB (11-23)

Freefalling from Outer Space H (07-14)

Freeman CB (09-17)

Friendsical M (09-19)

From Ibiza to the Norfolk Broads D (01-18)

From me to 3792 OR 11-10

From The House of The Dead WNO (11-17)

Frozen BR (02-14)

Funny Faces  AR (04-18)

Funny Girl H (05-17)

Funny Girl G (07-17)

Furious Folly H (07-16)


Gallowglass G (01-18)

Gallowglass M (01-18)

Gamble CB (04-22)

Gangsta Granny A (12-15)

Gangsta Granny CB (02-16)

Gangsta Granny G (03-17)

Gangsta Granny G (02-22)

Gaslight A (01-17)

Gaslight M (02-17)

Get Carter CB (03-16)

Ghost Stories A (01-20)

Ghost - The Musical G (06-13)

Ghost - The Musical A (12-13)

Ghost - The Musical A (09-16)

Ghost - The Musical M (04-17)

Ghost - The Musical G (01-19)

Ghost - The Musical CB (10-24)

Ghost - The Musical M (11-24)

Ghosts M (11-13)

Ghosts RD (04-19)

Giovanna d’Arco BOH (07-15)

Girl from the North Country A (02-23)

Girls' Night Out A (07-10) 

Girls BR (09-16)

Giselle G (09-10)

Giselle BRB (06-13)

Giselle M (02-14)

Giselle G (03-14)

Giselle BRB (09-19)

Glengarry Glen Ross A (02-19)

Go Back For Murder G (02-13)

Go Back for Murder A (11-13)

Godiva Rocks CB (10-17)

Going The Distance OL (10-21)

Goldilocks and the Three Bears G (05-17)

Goldilocks and the Three Bears H (12-21)

Goodnight, Mr Tom G (02-11)

Goodnight Mr Tom A (04-11)

Goodnight Mr Tom A (03-16)

Gotterdammerung THSH (06-14)

Grandad's Island CB (04-19)

Grand Finale BR (04-18)

Gravity BR (02-12)

Grease A (12-11)

Grease G (11-12)

Grease H (05-17)

Grease G (11-17)

Grease H (08-19)

Grease A (11-21)

Grease A (07-24)

Grease, Stage Experience, A (08-16)

Greatest Days G (07-23)

Great Expectations A (10-12)

Great Expectations D (10-17)

Great Expectations M (02-18)

Great Expectations CB (05-18)

Grimeboy BR (04-22)

Grimm up North OJS (08-15)

Groan Ups G (11-21)

Groan Ups M (01-22)

Groan Ups CB (02-22)

Groovy Greeks CB (05-15)

Grounded BR (09-14)

Grupo Corpo H (10-14)

Guess How Much I Love You G (08-10)

Guys and Dolls A (11-15)

Guys and Dolls G (07-16)

Guys and Dolls M (08-17)


Ha Ha Holmes LG (04-11)

Hairspray G (06-10)

Hairspray H (10-10)

Hairspray H (05-13)

Hairspray M (10-15)

Hairspray A (12-15)

Hairspray H (10-17)

Hairspray G (02-18)

Hairspray H (09-21)

Hairspray G (10-21)

Hairspray H (09-24)

Hairspray G (02-25)

Hair - The Musical A (04-19)

Hair - The Musical G (07-19)

Ham and Passion MAC (02-16)

Hamilton H (06-24)

Hamlet MP (04-12)

Hamlets BR (03-15)

Hamlet The Comedy CB (06-22)

Handbagged CB (10-15)

Hansel and Gretel WNO (03-15)

Hansel and Gretel CB (05-15)

Hansel and Gretel CB (04-18)

Hansel and Gretal M (04-18)

Hansel and Gretel D (12-18)

Happy Days - A New Musical H (04-14)

Happy Days - A New Musical G (06-14)

Happy Days BR (06-23)

Happy Hour OLD (03-17)

Happy Meal CB (09-22)

Harvey BR (02-15)

Harvey M (02-15)

Hamlet D (05-16)

Haunted G (07-12)

Haunting Julia LG (10-10)

Haunting Julia G (10-12)

Haunting Julia LG (05-11)

Heads will roll BR (11-16)

Heartbeat A (03-16)

Heartbeat G (07-16)

Heart of Darkness BR (11-18)

Heart of Darkness CB (05-19)

Heather Gardner BR (03-13)

Heathers The Musical A (09-21)

Heathers -The Musical A (05-23)

Heathers - The Musical M (07-23)

Heathers - The Musical CB (09-23)

Hecuba RSC (10-15)

Hedda Gabler RO (05-14)

Hedda Gabler G (01-18)

Helen M (05-16)

Henry V RSC (10-15)

Here & Now: The Steps Musical A (11-24)

Here you come again M (07-24)

Here you come again A (09-24)

Hero's Welcome M (03-16)

Hetty Feather BR (03-16)

High Society G (02-13)

High Society H (05-13)

Higher H (10-17)

Him BR (10-16)

Historical Cookery LG (12-10)

HMS Pinafore G (03-11)

HMS Pinafore WAC (04-14)

HMS Pinafore M (07-16)

Hobson's Choice BRB (02-12)

Hobson's Choice BRB (06-19)

Holding The Centre CB (09-19)

Holes CB (02-20)

Holes M (03-20)

Holiday D (07-18)

Home at Seven G (11-16)

Home Girl D (07-22)

Home, I'm Darling D (02-23)

Home. I'm Darling M (03-23)

Home, I’m Darling A (04-23)

Honk! CB (06-19)

Hopelessly Devoted BR (09-13)

Horrible Christmas BR (11-14)

Horrible Histories Barmy Britain A (01-12)

Horrible Histories – Terrible Tudors CB (10-19)

Hormonal Housewives G (04-13)

Hot Flush LG (05-10)

Houdini's Greatest Escape LG (04-24)

House of Ghosts G (11-10)

How Lion Became King of Tinga Tinga Land TH (04-16)

Howerd's End OJS (10-19)

Dr Seuss’ How The Grinch Stole Christmas! The Musical A (12-19)

How The Other Half Loves M (09-17)

How to be a hero BR (09-15)

How to hide a lion M (10-18)

Hymns for Robots CB (09-18)

Hysteria M (02-17)


I am here SF (06-17)

I Believe in Unicorns M (04-15)

I, Corinne Dadat BR (12-16)

I, Daniel Blake BR (06-23)

I, Daniel Blake CB (11-23)

Idiots Assemble, Spitting Image Saves the World BR (02-23)

Idomeneo GO (07-16)

I dreamed a dream H (05-12)

I, Elizabeth LG (06-16)

Invincible BR (05-16)

Into The Music BRB  (10-22)

Invincible D (01-17)

Invincible LG (03-17)

Il trovatore WNO (03-11)

Immerse E (05-22)

Imperium Pts I & II RSC


Impossible A (02-16)

I'm Sorry I haven't a Clue G (11-10)

Inala - A Zulu Ballet A (07-15)

Infinite BIDF (06-22)

In Parenthesis WNO (06-16)

Inside Job G (07-10)

Inspector Drake and The Black Widow C (11-19)

In The Motherhood BR (11-15)

In The Night Garden Live BR (07-19)

In the Willows CB (03-19)

In The Willows M (04-19)

Into the Hood G (02-16)

Into The Night OT (01-22)

Invincible M (06-16)

Iolanthe G (06-14)

Iolanthe M (07-18)

Iphigenia in Splott BR (03-16)

I puritani WNO (11-15)

It's a Wonderful Life M (06-15)

I Want Love (Part 1) BR(05-17)

I was a Rat BR (02-13)


#JeSuis H (02-18)

Jabala and The Jinn CB (03-21)

Jack and the Beanstalk G (12-12)

Jack and the Beanstalk CB (11-13)

Jack and the Beanstalk H (12-14)

Jack and the beanstalk G (12-15)

Jack and the Beanstalk G (12-17)

Jack and the Beanstalk - online (12-20)

Jack and the Beanstalk CB (11-22)

Jack and the Beanstalk BR (12-22)

Jack and the Beanstalk WR (12-23)

Jack and the Beanstalk H (12-23)

Jack and the Beanstalk LG (11-24)

Jackie The Musical CB (03-16)

Jackie - The Musical A (05-16)

Jackie - The musical M (06-16)

James and the Giant Peach CB (06-13)

Jane Eyre BR (09-17)

Jane Eyre G (06-16)

Jane Eyre M (09-19)

Jasper Carrott Stand Up and Rock M (06-17)

Jeeves & Wooster BR (03-15)

Jeeves and Wooster M (03-15)

Jeeves and Wooster in Perfect Nonsense D (11-15)

Jekyll and Hyde - The Musical H (04-11)

Jekyll and Hyde D (10-22)

Jenůfa WNO (04-22)

Jephtha WNO (11-12)

Jersey Boys A (12-14)

Jersey Boys G (02-16)

Jersey Boys A (12-17)

Jersey Boys G (08-18)

Jersey Boys A (12-21)

Jersey Boys G (03-23)

Jesus Christ Superstar M (08-14)

Jesus Christ Superstar H (11-15)

Jesus Christ Superstar LG (02-20)

Jesus Christ Superstar H (04-24)

John Wilson's Sinfonia of London SH (11-22)

Jonny Woo Cabaret XXL BR (03-16)

Jonny Woo BR (11-16)

Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat H (08-10)

Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat G (03-11)

Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat G (02-13)

Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat CB (04-15)

Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat G (05-16)

Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat M (03-17)

Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat H (07-19)

Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat G (02-20)

Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat H (04-22)

Jus' like that G (5-10)

Journey's End G (10-11)

Journey's End LG (10-16)

Juice H (09-19)

Julius Caesar RSC (03-17)

Jungle Book M (05-16)

Jungle Book D (04-19)

Just an ordinary Lawyer CB (05-18)

Justin's Band TH (04-18)


Kantha Katha-k H (09-22)

Kate Rusby at Christmas M (12-14)

Kate Rusby at Christmas M (12-15)

Kate Rusby Autumn Tour M (10-17)

Katya Kabanova WNO (11-11)

Keeler M (10-11)

Keeler G (11-11)

Keep Dancing A (12-16)

Kerbs CB (03-22)

Khovanskygate: A National Enquiry BOC (04-14)

Khovanshchina WNO (11-17)

Kidnapped A (03-14)

Kidnapped CB (05-14)

Kidnapping Cameron BR (07-12)

Kindertransport CB (10-13)

Kindertransport M (03-14)

King Charles III BR (09-15)

King Charles III M (11-15)

King John RSC (10-19)

King Lear RSC (04-10)

King Lear R (05-16)

King Lear M (06-16)

King Lear RSC (10-16)

Kinky Boots G (10-18)

Kinky Boots H (03-19)

Kiss me, Kate WNO (11-16)


La bohème WNO (06-12)

La bohème WNO (11-12)

La Bohème CB (01-13)

La bohème G (11-13)

La bohème G (04-15)

La bohème WNO (11-22)

La Cage aux folles G (02-12)

La Cage Aux Folles H (05-17)

La Cage Aux Folles G (06-17)

La Calisto LF (07-19)

La Cenerentola WNO (11-18)

Lady Anna: All at Sea M (09-16)

Lady Chatterley's Lover M (11-16)

Ladies Day G (07-18)

Ladies in Lavender M (05-12)

Ladies of Letters M (05-22)

Lady Lust BR (01-16)

La fille mal gardée H (03-11)

La fille mal gardée G (02-12)

La fille mal gardee BRB (06-14)

La Fille Mal Gardée BRB (09-18)

La fille mal gardée BRB (09-24)

La Forza del Destino WNO (03-18)

Laika the Spacedog ETO (03-13)

Landscapes H (08-17)

Lark Rise to Candleford G (11-10)

Last night a DJ saved my life G (11-15)

La Strada CB (02-17)

La Strada CB (02-17)

La Traviata (WNO) (03-12)

La Traviata WNO (03-14)

La Traviata WNO (11-18)

La Traviata WNO (11-23)

Lazuli Sky BRB (11-20)

Léa Tirabasso, Starving Dingoes H (02-22)

Lear Alone OJS (07-15)

Legacy E (05-23)

Lennon through a glass onion CB (10-16)

Les Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carlo H (03-11)

Les Ballets Trockadero De Monte Carlo H (02-13)

Les Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carlo H (11-15)

Legally Blonde - The Musical A (10-11)

Legally Blonde - The Musical A (08-12)

Legally Blonde G (11-17)

Legally Blonde - The Musical A (05-18)

Les Misérables H (04-10)

Les Misérables H (04-19)

Les Misérables H (08-22)

Let it Be A (03-14)

Let it Be H (04-16)

Letters to Emma LG (10-17)

Level up, BR (09-15)

Life of Pi H (02-24)

Life of Pi G (04-24)

Like There’s No Tomorrow CB (03-20)

Little Miss Sunshine A (07-19)

Little Miss Sunshine M (08-19)

Little Shop of Horrors BR (09-10)

Little Shop of Horrors LG (09-16)

Little Shop of Horrors A (09-16)

Little Shop of Horrors CB (10-16)

Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom BBC (04-23)

Loaded OLD (10-17)

Lohengrin WNO (06-13)

Look back in anger D (03-16)

Looking Good Dead M (08-21)

Looking good dead CB (03-22)

Looking for John BR (11-16)

Lord of the Dance A (06-22)

Lord of the Dance - A Lifetime of Standing Ovations - A (09-24)

Lost the Plot  WR (09-18)

Lotty's War M (09-14)

Lord of the Flies PYT (02-14)

Lord of the Flies H (05-14)

Lord of the Flies BR (11-15)

Lord of the Flies CB (04-23)

Lost Souls BRB (06-16)

Love BR (01-17)

Love for love RSC (11-15)

Love from a stranger A (05-18)

Love Letters Straight From The Heart M (11-14)

Love’s Labour’s Lost RSC (04-24)

Love Me Tender A (08-15)

Loving Me H (02-13)

Lulu WNO (03-13)

Luna BRB (10-24)


Macbeth MIF (07-13)

Macbeth D (04-15)

Macbeth BR (01-16)

Macbeth WNO (11-16)

Macbeth RSC (06-18)

Macbeth G (03-19)

Macbeth RSC (09-23)

Macbeth A (04-24)

Macca the Concert M (02-17)

Madagascar - The Musical A (07-18)

Madagascar the Musical M (04-19)

Madagascar-The Musical A (03-24)

Madame Butterfly G (10-11)

Madame Butterfly WNO (03-13)

Madam Butterfly WNO (06-17)

Madame Butterfly A (10-14)

Madame Butterfly G (06-15)

Madame Butterfly WNO (10-21)

Mademe Butterfly WNO (04-22)

Made in India CB (01-17)

Made in (India) Britain CB (10-23)

Made Up BR (05-16)

Magic Goes Wrong H (05-22)

Maid Marian and the Merry Men WR (12-18)

Mamma Mia! H (06-16)

Mamma Mia! G (02-18)

Mamma Mia! H (05-22)

MAN OJ (03-12)

Mandela H (09-16)

Manon Lescaut WNO (03-14)

Manon WAC (03-23)

Mana: The Power within H (10-15)

Maria Stuarda WNO (11-13)

Mariposa H (09-21)

Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein CB (10-19)

Mary Shelley's Frankenstein M (01-20)

Man to Man BR (09-17)

Mark Morris Dance Group H (04-10)

Mary Poppins H (03-16)

Matilda RSC (12-10)

Matilda H (07-18)

Matthew Bourne's Cinderella H (02-11)

Matthew Bourne's Cinderella H (02-18)

Matthew Bourne's Nutcracker H (02-12)

Matthew Bourne's Nutcracker H (02-22)

Matthew Bourne's Sleeping Beauty H (02-13)

Matthew Bourne's Sleeping Beauty H (02-23)

Matthew Bourne's Swan Lake H (02-14)

Matthew Bourne's Swan Lake H (02-19)

Matthew Bourne's Romeo & Juliet H (09-19)

Mavis Sparkle BR (10-16)

Max Rabbe and The Palast Orchestra  TH (03-20)

May Queen CB (06-22)

Maurice's Jubilee A (03-13)

Me at the zoo BR (07-15)

Mediaevil Baebes LG (12-10)

Meek BR (09-18)

Me, Myself and Miss Gibbs MAC (03-12)

Mess BR (11-13)

Metamorphosis OLD (02-19)

Metamorphosis CB (01-24)Michael Rosen's Chocolate Cake M (06-18)

Michaelmas Term KES (03-23)

Michael Nyman - Music from and for film M (10-13)

Midnight Tango H (05-11)

Midnight Tango A (05-13)

Migrations WNO (11-22)

The Mikado M (07-17)

Miles OT (11-22)

Milkshake! Live M (02-18)

Million Dollar Quartet M (10-16)

Million Dollar Quartet H (10-16)

Milonga H (05-14)

Milonga H (05-17)

Mindgame M (04-17)

Mindgame CB (03-18)

Mindgame M (06-19)

Mind the Horse Road LG (03-11)

Minority Report BR (03-24)

Miracle on 34th Street -The Musical G (11-13)

Miracle on 34th Street - The Musical A (12-13)

Miriam on 34th Street OJS (12-10)

Mischief Movie Night H (06-18)

Miss Julie CB (07-21)

Miss Littlewood RSC (07-18)

Miss Nightingale CB (02-16)

Miss Saigon H (08-17)

Mister Maker Live A (10-15)

MK Ultra BR (03-17)

Moby Dick M (06-24)

Mode E (05-24)

Monogamy M (05-18)

Monstersaurus D (02-17)

Monstersaurus LG (06-18)

Monty Python's Spamalot A (12-10)

Moon on a Rainbow Shawl BR (02-14)

Moon on a Rainbow Shawl M (02-14)

Moon Tiger M (02-14)

Morte d'Arthur RSC (08-10)

Moses und Aron WNO (06-14)

Mother Goose G (02-23)

Motown The Musical A (10-18)

Mountains: The Dreams of Lily Kwok D (05-18)

Mountains: The Dreams of Lily Kwok CB (05-18)

Moving Stateside BRB (02-15)

Mrs Churchill - My Life with Winston CH (07-21)

Mrs Warren's Profession M (07-15)

Mrs Warren’s Profession M (04-23)

Much ado about nothing LG (06-16)

Much ado about nothing CB (06-16)

Much Ado About Nothing BR (10-22)

Mummyji presents BR (11-14)

Murdered to death G (07-10)

Murdered to Death LG (10-10)

Murder on the Orient Express A (01-25)

Murder on the Nile G (05-12)

Murder in Play M (05-13)

Murder in Play G (06-13)

Murder in the Dark A (11-23)

Murder in the Dark D (01-24)

Murder in the Dark M (02-24)

Murder, Margaret and Me  M (10-19)

Murder on the Orient Express M (11-24)

My Beautiful Laundrette CB (10-19)

My Beautiful Laundrette BR (11-19)

My Prefect Mind BR (11-14)

My Country: A Work in Progress BR (05-17)

My Cousin Rachel M (12-19)

My Dearest Mr Coward WR (05-22)

My Fair Lady H (03-23)

My Mother Said I Never Should M (11-18)


Nabucco WNO (06-14)

Naked Ambition LG (06-11)

Napoli, Brooklyn M (05-19)

Narvik mac (02-17)

Nativity The Musical BR (10-17)

Nativity! The Musical G (10-19)

Nativity! The Musical BR (11-22)

NDT2 IDFB H (05-16)

Nell Gwyn M (03-17)

Never Try This at Home BR (03-14)

New Festival of Theatre CB (07-15)

New Jersey Nights G (11-13)

Next Door BR (07-14)

Nicola Benedetti Plays Concertos for Christmas TH (12-12)

Night must fall CB (09-16)

Night Must Fall M (10-16)

Nina – A Story About Me and Nina Simone BR (03-18)

946 The Amazing Story of Adolphus Tips BR (10-16)

9 to 5 - The Musical A (12-12)

9 to 5 - The Musical G (05-13)

9 to 5 The Musical A (09-19)

9 to 5 The Musical A (11-21)

1984 UT (05-13)

1984 Malvern Theatres (10-24)

Nobody H (02-22)

No Borders RDC (07-18)

No guts, no heart, no glory BR (09-15)

Noise OLD (04-17)

Noises Off BR (05-10)

Noises Off A (06-13)

Noises Off BR (08-23)

Noises Off M (01-24)

Northanger Abbey LG (02-17)

Northanger Abbey D (04-17)

Not Dead Enough M (02-17)

Not dead enough CB (03-17) 

Notes to Future Self BR (03-11)

Nothello CB (05-22)

Not the Last MAC (09-23)

Noughts & Crosses A (11-22)

Nutcracker G (03-11)


101 Dalmatians A (07-24)

101 Dalmatians G (08-24)Octonauts and the Deep Sea Volcano Adventure A (11-14)

Octonauts G (04-15)

Octopus Soup! CB (02-19)

Octopus Soup! M (04-19)

Of mice and men BR (10-14)

Of mice and men BR (02-16)

Of Mice and Men G (03-16)

Of Mice and Men BR (03-23)

Of Mice and Men M (04-23)

Oh No it Isn't! CB (12-13)

Oh No It Isn't CB (12-14)

Oh What a Lovely War WA (11-11)

Oh What a Lovely War M (02-14)

Oh what a lovely war CB (03-15)

Oh What a Lovely War BR (05-15)

Oh! What a Lovely War M (03-24)

Oh! What a lovely War D (04-24)

Oklahoma! A (06-10)

Oklahoma! G (10-10)

Oklahoma! G (03-15)

Oleanna M (07-21)

Oliver! H (03-12)

Oliver! SC (12-13)

Oliver! M (08-15)

Once CB (03-20)

Once HL (08-22)

One Love - The Bob Marley Musical BR (03-17)

One Man, Two Guvnors A (10-11)

One Man, Two Guvnors H (05-14)

One Man, Two Guvnors G (03-15)

One Man, Two Guvnors BP (05-17)

One Man Two Guvnors OJS (12-17)

One Man, Two Guvnors D (09-19)

One Monkey Don't Stop No Show CB (03-13)

One Under BR (11-19)

On Golden Pond G (01-12)

On Golden Pond M (02-12)

On Golden Pond LG (04-12)

Only A Day CB (02-15)

On Their Toes! BRB H (06-10)

On The Razzle LG (04-11)

On Your Feet H (09-19)

On Your Marks! BRB (06-22)

Once Upon A Mattress LG (07-18)

One Kiss CB (07-22)

One Night in November CB (10-13)

Open All Hours LG (09-14)

Opposites Attract BRB (09-12)

Origins E (02-18)

Orlando WNO (11-15)

Orpheus BR (10-15)

Ostrich Boys BR (07-11)

Ostrich Boys CB (09-16)

Othello RSC (10-24)

Our Country's Good BR (05-18)

Our House CB (10-13)

Our House M (09-17)

Our House CB (11-17)

Our Man In Havana LG (06-17)

Our man in Havana M (07-17)

Our Town M (08-16)

Out of Order A (04-17)

Out of Order M (05-17)

Overflow H (03-22)

Over the Top CB (12-18)



Paper in my Pants BL (08-16)

Party Games M (06-24)

Passion and Ecstasy BRB H (06-11)

Pattern Recognition H (11-16)

Paul Bunyan G (03-14)

Peaky Blinders: the Redemption of Thomas Shelby H (05-23) 

Pelléas et Mélisande WNO (06-15)

Penelope RETOLD BR (04-15)

Penguins BR (02-18)

Penguins BR (12-19)

People BR (09-13)

Pepperland H (03-19)

Peppa Pig's Big Splash A (11-13)

Peppa Pig's Big Splash G (05-14)

Peppa Pig's Best Day Ever A (10-19)

Peter Pan LG (12-10)

Peter Pan WNO (06-15)

Peter Pan M (12-15)

Peter Pan G (12-15)

Peter Pan D (12-17)

Peter Pan M (08-18)

Peter Pan H (12-18)

Peter Pan M (12-21)

Peter Pan H (12-24)

Peter Pan The Musical OLD (12-23)

Peter Pan Goes Wrong BR (01-15)

Peter Pan Goes Wrong M (01-15)

Peter Pan Goes Wrong A (02-20)

Peter Pan Reimagined BR (12-19)

Peter Pan Goes Wrong BR (02-20)

Peter Pan Goes Wrong G (10-23)

Peter Pan Goes Wrong A (03-24)

Pink Mist BR (03-17)

Pinocchio G (06-16)

Pinocchio OLD (11-18)

Pitcairn M (11-14)

Play on! CB (09-24)

Pocket Dream CB (02-16)

Pocket Merchant CB (10-15)

Pocket-sized Revolution OJS (04-22)

Polarity & Proximity BRB (06-18)

Political Mother IDFB BR (05-16)

POP Music BR (09-18)

Porgy and Bess H (06-12)

Pointes of view BRB (09-10)

Portrait of an actress as OR 03-11

Prescription Murder G (05-10)

Prescription: murder LG (02-11)

Precious Little Sleep LG (03-11)

Present Laughter M (08-16)

Pretty Woman: The Musical A (08-24)

Pride and Prejudice BR (11-16)

Pride and (quite a lot of) Prejudice WR (07-19)

Pride and Prejudice* (*sort of) BR (10-19)

Pride & Prejudice* (*sort of)  CB (02-23)

Pride and Prejudice* (*sort of), BR (04-23)

Pride and Prejudice* (*sort of) M (05-23)

Pride and Prejudice* (*sort of) M (01-25)

Prime Time BR (10-19)

Priscilla, Queen of the Desert - The Musical A (03-13)

Priscilla Queen of the Desert G (01-14)

Priscilla, Queen of the Desert - The Musical A (10-15)

Priscilla Queen of the Desert G (05-16)

Priscilla Queen of the Desert M (10-19)

Priscilla, Queen of the Desert H (08-21)

Prism BR (10-19)

Prism M (11-19)

Private Dick Whittington CB (12-16)

Private Lives LG (04-12)

Private Lives A (02-16)

Private Lives M (09-17)

Private Lives D (01-18)

Private Lives M (04-22)

Private Peaceful M (04-14)

Private Peaceful BR (05-14)

Private Peaceful BR (04-22)

Private Peaceful M (05-22)

Private Peaceful CB (05-22)

Propaganda Swing CB (09-14)

Protests, Hymns and Caskets CB (04-22)Molly-Grace Cutler (Carole King)Molly-Grace Cutler (Carole King)Molly-Grace Cutler (Carole King)Molly-Grace Cutler (Carole King)Molly-Grace Cutler (Carole King)Molly-Grace Cutler (Carole King)

Punk Rock BR (10-10)

Push H (05-12)

Puss in Boots CB (01-20)

Pygmalion M (04-14)

Pygmalion CB (05-14)


Quartet BR (03-18)

Queen Anne RSC (12-15)


Rachel Podger and Brecon Baroque M (06-19)

Rain Man D (11-17)

Rain Man M (02-19)

Rattle of a Simple Man LG (10-14)

Reasons to be Cheerful CB (09-17)

Reasons to be Cheerful D (09-17)

Rebecca BR (04-15)

Rebus: A Game Called Malice M (10-24)

Rebus: Long Shadows BR (09-18)

Rebus: Long Shadows M (10-18)

Rebecca M (05-15)

The Red OT (03-22)

Red Riding Hood and the Wolf CB (04-18)

Red Snapper CB (03-16)

Refugee Boy BR (04-14)

Refugees of the Septic Heart - Tom Dale Company H (03-13)

Regeneration W (11-14)

Rehearsal for murder M (01-16)

Rehearsal for Murder A (04-16)

Reigen OP (05-17)

Rehearsal for murder CB (05-16)

Relatively speaking M (10-16)

Relatively Speaking CB (10-16)

Rent OJS (12-13)

Rent M (11-16)

Reparation Island H (06-19)

Return to the Forbidden Planet A (01-15)

Reunión H (05-17)

Revealed CB (10-24)

Revenge CB (02-20)

Rhinestone Mondays G (09-11)

Rhondda Rips It Up! WNO (06-18)

Rhondda Rips It Up! M (06-18)

Richard O'Brien's Rocky Horror Show A (05-19)

Richard III RD (05-19)

Rigoletto WNO H (07-10) 

Rigoletto WNO (11-19)

Rising - Aakash Odedra H (11-21)

Rising Damp M (06-13)

Rita, Sue and Bob Too D (11-17)

Rite 0f Spring H (05-19)

Roberto Devereux WNO (11-13)

Robin Cousins Ice G (04-14)

Robin Hood & the Major Oak D (03-22)

Robinson Crusoe H (12-12)

Rock of Ages A (05-14)

Rock of Ages LG (09-17)

Rock of Ages A (11-18)

Rock of Ages CB (03-19)

Rock of Ages A (09-21)

Rock of Ages G (05-23)

Rock 'n' Roll Heaven M (08-14)

Rocky Horror Show G (06-16)

Rocky Horror Show M (07-19)

Rocky Horror Show M (10-24)

Roll Over Beethoven CB (09-16)

Romeo and Juliet M (10-14)

Romeo and Juliet BRB (09-10)

Romeo and Juliet RSC (05-10)

Romeo & Juliet G (01-12)

Romeo and Juliet SG (03-13)

Romeo and Juliet BRB (02-16)

Romeo and Juliet LG (05-17)

Romeo and Juliet CB (06-17)

Romeo and Juliet G (07-17)

Romeo and Juliet RSC (06-18)

Romeo and Juliet BRB (06-18)

Romeo and Juliet RSC (09-20)

Romeo and Juliet BRB (10-21)

Romeo and Juliet WR (10-23)

Romeo & Juliet M (05-24)

Romeo + Juliet H (09-21)

Romeo+Juliet G (10-23)

Room On The Broom CB (07-17)

Rooms (Rambert) H (04-21)

Rooster and Other Works BR (10-15)

Rose Cottage OJS (12-11)

Rosie Kay's Fantasia H (09-19)

Rotterdam G (04-19)

Rotterdam BR (05-19)

Round and Round the Garden LG (02-16)

Round and round the garden M (02-16)

Round and Round the Garden WR (07-22)

Rough Crossing M (03-19)

Ruby Wax - Losing It LG (06-10)

Rudy's Rare Records BR (09-14)

Run Rebel CB (03-23)

Running Wild CB (02-17)

Running Wild G (06-17)

Rutherford and Son OP (03-12)


St Matthew Passion LCa (03-24)

Salad Days CB (09-18)

Salad Days M (10-18)

Same Same . . . But Different H (02-19)

Same Time Next Year M (01-21)

Sancho: An Act of Remembrance BR (09-15)

Salomé RSC (06-17)

Santi & Naz H (10-24)

São Paulo Dance Company G (03-24)

Satin 'n' Steel LG (04-15)

Saturday Night Fever M (02-15)

Saturday Night Fever A (03-15)

Saturday Nigh Fever A (09-18)

Saturday Night Fever CB (09-19)

Saturday Night Fever A (11-22)

Save The Last Dance for Me G (05-12)

Save the Last Dance for Me M (04-13)

Save The Last Dance For Me M (04-16)

Save the last dance for me A (05-16)

Scattered OLD (01-17)

School of Rock - The Musical G (09-21)

School of Rock, The Musical A  (01-22)

Season's Greetings M (11-11)

Season's Greetings G (11-11)

Seaview CB (11-21)

The Secret Lives of Henry and Alice PW (07-19)

See how they run CB (03-14)

Secondary Cause of Death M (03-16)

September in the Rain M (09-13)

September in the Rain LG (06-14)

Sequence 8 BR (05-14)

Seussical The Musical M (08-16)

Seven Brides for Seven Brothers A (02-14)

Seven Brides for Seven Brothers G (04-14)

Shackleton's Cat ETO (05-18)

Shadowlands M (04-16)

Shadowlands BR (06-16)

Shadows of War BRB (10-14)

Shakespeare his wife and the dog BR (11-16)

Shakespeare's Othello BR (11-14)

Shakespeare Triple Bill BRB (06-16)

Sheila's Island D (03-22)

Sherlock Holmes: The Sign Of Four M (05-19)

Sherlock Holmes & The Ripper Murders M (07-15)

Sherlock Holmes: The Final Curtain M (05-18)

Sherlock Holmes:The Valley of Fear D (03-24)

She Stoops To Conquer M (06-14)

Shirley Valentine A (03-17)

Shirley Valentine CB (06-17)

Shirley Valentine M (07-17)

Show Boat H (07-14)

Shoot Festival CB (03-17)

Shrek - The Musical H (04-15)

Shrek - The Musical G (10-15)

Shrek - The Musical A (02-18)

Shrek - The Musical A (04-24)

Sideways Rain H (04-14)

Silence BR (04-24)

Simon Boccanegra G (04-13)

Sinatra - The Musical BR (10-23)

Sinatra, RAW D (05-24)

Sin Titulo H (05-16)

Singin' In The Rain H (03-14)

Singin' in the Rain A (08-19)

Singin' in The Rain H (06-22)

Single Spies BR (02-16)

Sister Act - The Musical G (02-12)

Sister Act A (09-16)

Sister Act H (10-11)

Sister Act M (12-16)

Sister Act - The Musical G (02-17)

Sister Act H (10-22)

Sister Act CB (10-22)

Sister Act H (05-24)

Six M (10-19)

Six M (10-22)

Sky Comedy Rep BR (03-22)

Skylight SW (04-22)

Slava's Snowshow H (11-11)

Slava's Snowshow H (11-14)

Sleeping Beauty BRB (03-10)

Sleeping Beauty BR (11-11)

Sleeping Beauty CB (12-12)

Sleeping Beauty CB (11-13)

Sleeping Beauty CB (03-15)

Sleeping Beauty G (12-13)

Sleeping Beauty H (02-16)

Sleeping Beauty M (02-16)

Sleeping Beauty LG (12-16)

Sleeping Beauty M (12-16)

Sleeping Beauty SW (12-17)

Sleeping Beauty CB (11-18)

Sleeping Beauty G (12-13)

Sleeping Beauty Dreams BRB (02-18)

Sleeping Beauty Dreams BRB (02-24)

Sleeping Beauty M (12-24)

Sleeping Beauty on Ice A (10-13)

Sleuth M (04-24)

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs G (12-11)

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs M (12-13)

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs H (12-13)

Snow White &The Seven Dwarfs M (12-18)

Snow White and the Magic Mirror LG (12-13)

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs WR (12-19)

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs H (12-19)

Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs LG (12-22)

Snow White on Ice M (04-15)

Snow White G (12-23)

Solace of the road D (03-15)

Solomon and Marion BR (10-14)

Some Girl I Used to Know A (02-14)

Some Girl I Used to Know G (02-14)

Some like it Hip Hop H (10-11)

Some like It Hip Hop G (11-12)

Some like it Hip Hop H (10-19)

Some Like It Hotter LG (06-13)

Some Mothers Do ‘Av ‘Em G (05-18)

Some Mothers Do ‘Ave ‘Em A (07-22)

Songs From Play On H (11-24)

Son of a Preacher Man A (09-17)

Son of a Preacher Man CB (02-18)

Son of a Preacher Man M (02-18)

Songs of Sister Act LG (09-13)

Songs of the Wanderers H (05-16)

Sons Without Fathers CB (04-13)

Soul Sister CB (10-12)

Soul Sister M (07-13)

South Pacific A (02-12)

South Pacific A (09-22)

Spamalot A (12-10)

Spamalot G (04-11)

Spamalot G (03-12)

Spamalot A (02-15)

Spamalot A (10-17)

Spamalot CB (02-18)

Spamalot M (03-18)

Spamalot D (04-18)

Spanish Golden Age CB (04-14)

Spike M (09-22)

Spot's Birthday Party TH (05-13)

Spring Passions BRB (03-12)

Spring Awakening TCN (01-13)

Starchitects H (02-23)

Stadium BR (06-17)

Stardust CB (09-19)

Star Quality M (01-12)

Starting out BR (10-16)

Steaming G (07-13)

Steel Magnolias A (05-12)

Steel Magnolias A (03-23)

Stepfather-stepmother H (02-17)

Steve Backshall's Wild World TH (11-15)

Stick Man Live M (11-17)

Stickman TH (12-17)

Stomp! H (05-18) 

Stomp H (02-12)

Stones in his pocket M (11-14)

Stones in his pocket CB (03-16)

Strangers on a Train A (01-18)

Strictly Balti BT (11-15)

Strictly Come Dancing - The professionals H (05-10)

Strictly Come Dancing Live 2013 NIA (01-13)

Strictly Murder M (06-17)

Stomp! H (05-18)  

Stomp! H (05-18)

Stones in His Pockets M (04-19)

Stranger Sings! G (01-24)

Stories to tell in the middle of the night BR (02-17)

Strictly Ballroom - the Musical H (10-22)

Strictly Ballroom - The Musical G (02-23)

Studio to Stage BRB (05-22)

Stumped OT (10-22)

Sucker Punch G (06-23)

Summer Celebration BRB (06-12)

Summer Creations E (07-18)

Summer Variations E (07-17)

Sunny Afternoon A (09-16)

Sunny Afternoon G (04-17)

Sunset Boulevard LG (10-16)

Sunset Boulevard H (11-17)

Sutra H (05-13)

Swallows and Amazons G (04-12)

Swan Lake BRB H (06-10)

Swan Lake BRB (10-12)

Swan Lake BRB (09-15)

Swan Lake (Guandong Acrobatic Troupe) H (08-11)

Swan Lake LG (11-10)

Swan Lake M (02-16)

Swan Lake CB (10-16)

Swan Lake CB (10-17)

Swan Lake BRB (02-20)

Swan Lake BRB (02-23)

Swap! G (06-16)

Sweeney Todd WNO (11-15)

Sweeney Todd D (10-16)

Sylvia BRB (06-15)

Sylvie Guillem - 6000 Miles Away H (05-14)

Symphony of us COV (02-22)

Synergy E (02-20)


2:22 A Ghost Story A (01-24)

2.22 A Ghost Story G (02-24)

Taiko Meantime M (11-16)

Taj Express H (09-18)

Talking Heads M (08-15)

Talking Heads M (10-20)

Tamburlaine RSC (08-18)

Tango Pasión TH (12-12)

Tango Moderno A (09-17)

Tank BR (05-17)

Tannhäuser LFO (06-16)

Tartuffe BR (11-13)

Tartuffe BR (10-22)

Tchaikovsky Classics BRB (03-24)

Tea at Five OJS (09-12)

Tea with Oscar Wilde OJS (06-16)

Teechers Leavers '22 LG (03-23)

10 and 3/4 Freefall BRB (01-13)

Teletubbies Live A (02-18)

Tell me on a Sunday M (06-21)

10 SOLDIERS H (05-19)

Ten Times Table M (11-19)

Tess M (11-23)

Tess CB (04-24)

That's Entertainment A (07-16)

That Pair BR (05-16)

The 101 Dalmatians BR (12-17)

The Abduction from the Seraglio WNO (04-10)

The Addams Family H (06-17)

The Addams Family G (10-17)

The Addams Family - The Musical Comedy A (01-21)

The Alchemist CB (02-14)

The Alchemist RSC (06-16)

The Allesley Silas CB (07-22)

The Anatomy of Melancholy BR (11-13)

The Arrival CB (03-13)

The Author BR (11-10)

The Bah Humbug Club LG (12-22)

The Band H (05-18)

The Band G (02-19)

Thebans LC (05-14)

The Barber of Seville WNO (11-11)

The Barber of Seville WNO (03-16)

The Barber of Seville  WNO  (10-21)

The Barber of Bournville MAC (11-23)

The Beekeeper of Aleppo CB (05-23)

The Beekeeper of Aleppo BR (06-23)

The Beggar's Opera WAC (06-19)

The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel  A (02-23) 

The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel G (03-23)

The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel CB (06-23)

The Best Thing M (02-17)

The BFG BR (12-14)

The Big O CB (04-23)

The Blue Room LG (05-10)

The Blues Brothers H (03-11)

The Blues Brothers G (05-11)

The Blues Brothers CB (04-13)

The Big Fellah BR (11-10)

The Birthday Party CB (06-16)

The Bodyguard - The Musical G (04-15)

The Bodyguard - The Musical G (06-19)

The Bodyguard - The Musical A (01-20)

The Bodyguard - The Musical G (05-23)

The Bodyguard - The Musical A (12-23)

The Bone Sparrow CB (03-22)

The Book of Mormon H (03-20)

The Book of Mormon A (12-24)

The Book Thief CB (09-23)

The Box of Delights RSC (11-23)

The Boy at the Back of the Class M (03-24)

The Boy at the Back of the Class G (04-24)

The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas M (03-15)

The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas G (06-15)

The Boy in the striped pyjamas CB (06-15)

The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas G (05-17)

The Boy Who Climbed into the Moon D (02-18)

The Bubbly Black Girl Sheds her Chameleon Skin CB (04-17)

The Business of Murder LG (04-15)

The Business of Murder M (06-15)

The Butterfly Lion M (10-13)

The Cat in the hat CB (10-15)

The cat in the hat LG (04-16)

The Case of the Frightened Lady CB (06-18)

The Cat and The Canary M (02-20)

The Cat and The Canary LG (03-20)

The Cat and The Canary D (09-21)

The Cat and The Canary A (10-21)

The Cat in The Hat BR (02-19)

The Cemetery Club G (06-12)

The Cher Show H (08-22)

The Cher Show G (10-22)

The Chicago Blues Brothers M (02-23)

The Color Purple H (07-19)

The Color Purple on-line H (02-21) filmed at co-producers Curve Leicester.

The Color Purple H (09-22)

The Comedy About a Bank Robbery BR (08-18)

The Commitments A (03-17)

The Commitments G (10-22)

The Commitments H (04-23)

The Complete History of Comedy (Abridged) G (05-15)

The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (abridged) [reduced] M (07-15)

The Country Girl H (09-10)

The Covid 19 Variations BR (02-22)

The Cherry Orchard BR (10-10)

The Croft D (01-20)

The crows plucked your sinews BR (02-16)

The Crucible A (06-17)

The Crucible M (08-17)

The Crucible RD (07-18)

The Cunning Little Vixen WNO (03-13)

The curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time G (02-15)

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time H (07-17)

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time H (03-22)

The Damned United D (04-16)

The Dark at the top of the stairs CB (10-12)

The Da Vinci Code CB (02-22)

The Da Vinci Code G (03-22)

The Dead Sea D (02-18)

The Diary of Anne Frank G (03-12)

The Diary of a Hounslow Girl CB (03-17)

The Dinner Lady Man OJS (10-10)

The Dishonoured CB (05-16)

The Dishwashers BR (02-14)

The Dishwashers M (03-14)

The Dresser M (01-22)

The Drifters Girl H (04-24) 

The Duchess of Malfi RSC (03-18)

The Duck House M (11-13)

The End of The Night OT (07-22)

The Elves and the Shoemakers D (12-15)

The Entertainer LG (10-09)

The Entertainer M (09-19)

The Entertainer G (10-19)

The Entertainer CB (10-19)

The Exorcist BR (10-16)

The Exorcist A (10-19)

The Fall of the House of Usher WNO (06-14)

The Fantastic Follies Of Mrs Rich RSC (04-18)

The Father M (06-15)

The Father BR (05-16)

The Final Test G (07-12)

The Fishermen D (09-18)

The Forensics of a Flat BR (05-14)

The Case of the Frightened Lady M (07-18)

The Circle M (02-24)

The Color Purple on-line H (02-21) filmed at co-producers Curve Leicester.

The Cunning Little Vixen WNO (03-13)

The Cunning Little Vixen WNO (11-19)

The Emperor’s New Clothes D (04-22)

The Fawn KES (10-21)

The Frozen Scream H (01-15)

The Full Monty H (02-13)

The Full Monty G (11-14)

The Full Monty M (11-15)

The Full Monty H (11-16)

The Full Monty OJS (08-18)

The Full Monty CB (02-19)

The Full Monty CB (10-23)

The Full Monty A (01-24)

The Game of Love and Chai CB (04-18)

The Ghost Train G (04-15)

The Ghost Train CB (05-15)

The giant's loo roll CB (06-16)

The Gift CB (01-20)

The Gingerbread Man D (12-17)

The Girl on the Train G (03-19)

The Girl on The Train CB (05-19)

The Girl on the Train A (08-19)

The Girl on the Train M (10-19)

The Glass Menagerie CB (03-24)

The Glass Menagerie M (03-24)

The Glenn Miller Story G (10-15)

The Glenn Miller Story A (08-16)

The Glenn Miller Story M (09-16)

The Good Enough Mums Club H (10-23)

The good, the bad and the ugly sisters CB (12-17)

The Government Inspector BR (03-16)

The Graduate M (06-17)

The Graduate Showcase E (02-18)

The Great Gatsby D (02-16)

The Gruffalo TH (08-14)

The Habit of Art CB (11-18)

The Habit of Art M (11-18)

The Half God of Rainfall BR (04-19)

The Happiness Project H (11-16)

The Harder They Come H (05-10)

The Hired Man LG (08-16)

The History Boys SC (06-13)

The History Boys CB (02-15)

The History Boys A (02-15)

The History Boys M (06-15)

The History Boys G (02-20)

The History Boys CB (10-24)

The History Boys M (10-24)

The Hobbit G (03-10)

The Holly and the Ivy LG (01-10)

The Holly and The Ivy M (11-11)

The Holly and The Ivy LG (01-14)

The Homecoming M (04-22)

The Honey Man BR (02-15)

The House of Bernarda Alba PB (11-24)

The Hound of the Baskervilles LG (10-15)

The Hound of The Baskervilles WR (07-18)

 The Hound of the Baskervilles M (10-21)

The Hound of The Baskervilles CB (02-22)

The Hound of The Baskervilles OT (04-22)

The House on Cold Hill M (02-19)

The House on Cold Hill A (05-19)

The Hunting of the Snark M (10-17)

The Hypochondriac M (11-14)

The Hypocrite RSC (04-17)

The Ice Break BOC (04-15)

The Importance of Being Earnest BT (09-11)

The Importance of Being Earnest BR (09-16)

The Importance of Being Earnest LG (09-10)

The Importance of Being Earnest (10-12)

The Importance of Being Earnest A (10-14)

The Importance of Being Earnest M (05-15)

The Importance of Being Earnest CB (09-15)

The Importance of Being Earnest LG (03-18)

The Importance of being Earnest M (08-22)

The Importance of Being Earnest WR (07-23)

The Importance of being Earnest? CB (11-23)

The Importance of being Earnest? D (05-24)

The Infernal Comedy SH (05-12)

The Jungle Book M (03-18)

The Just Price of Flowers BR (06-12)

The King of Reggae BR (09-22)

The Kite Runner NP (05-13)

The Kite Runner M (10-14)

The Kiterunner M (05-24)

The King and I G (03-12)

The King and I H (05-15)

The King and I A (12-19)

The King and I A (03-23)

The King dances - Carmina Burana BRB (06-15)

The King's Speech BR (02-15)

The Kings Speech M (04-15)

The Kite Runner BR (09-14) 

The Kite Runner BR (03-18)

The Knot M (12-18)

The Lady in the Van M (05-12)

The Ladykillers G (01-13)

The Lady Vanishes M (03-19)

The Lady Vanishes LG (06-19)

The Lady Vanishes D (10-19)

The Last Five Years IF (03-12)

The Last Five Years LG (11-13)

The Last Ship A (04-18)

The Last Tango H (09-15)

The Last Tango CB (05-16)

The Last Tempest M (11-14)

The Last Temptation of Boris Johnson M (01-20)

The Late Edwina Black G (07-10)

The Lavender Hill Mob M (11-22)

The Leftovers CB (05-18)

The Legend of Mike Smith CB (04-17)

The Legend of Mike Smith BR (09-13)

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow M (11-21)

The Life I Lead BR (03-19)

The Little Match Girl H (11-15)

The Little Mermaid - The Circus Sensation M (05-18)

The Lion King H (07-13)

The Lion King H (07-23)

The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe BR (11-15)

The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe LG (07-19)

The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe A (03-22)

The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe BR (11-23)

The Little Matchgirl and Other Happier Tales M (03-18)

The Little Mermaid D (12-20)

The Little Mochi Man H (02-18)

The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner BR (10-12)

The Lovely Bones BR (10-18)

The Lovely Bones BR (09-19)

The Machine Stops CB (04-17)


The Man Jesus M (10-14)

The Magic Flute WNO (11-10)

The Magic Flute NH (08-13)

The Magic Flute G (03-14)

The Magic Flute WNO (03-15)

The Magic Flute WNO (06-15)

The Magic Flute CB (05-18)

The Magic Flute WNO (03-19)

The Magic Flute WNO (05-23)

The Magic of Motown G (02-11)

The Makropulos Affair WNO (11-22)

The Marriage of Figaro WNO (03-12)

The Marriage of Figaro WNO (03-16)

The Marriage of Figaro CB (01-15)

The Merchant of Venice WNO (11-16)

The Merchant of Venice 1936 M (10-23)

The Merry Wives of Windsor RSC (08-18)

The Merry Wives of Windsor RSC (06-24)

The Mikado G (06-14)

The Mikado M (09-15)

The Mikado M (09-19)

The Mirror Crack'd M (11-22)

The Mirror Crack'd A (02-23)

The Mist in the Mirror CB (04-15)

The Mountaintop BR (11-18)

The Mousetrap A (02-13)

The Mousetrap A (10-14)

The Mousetrap G (05-13)

The Mousetrap CB (11-13)

The Mousetrap LG (04-14)

The Mousetrap M (10-14)

The Mousetrap CB (11-15)

The Mousetrap LG (04-16)

The Mousetrap A (10-16)

The Mousetrap M (07-19)

The Mousetrap A (11-19)

The Mousetrap A (11-22

The Mousetrap M (01-22)

The Mousetrap CB (02-23)

The Mousetrap LG (03-23)

The Mousetrap G (06-24)

The Naked Truth G (06-11)

The new Adventures of Peter Pan LG (11-21) 

The Nightingales M (12-18)

The Nutcracker BRB (11-11)

The Nutcracker LG (11-11)

The Nutcracker BRB (11-13)

The Nutcracker BRB (12-20)

The Nutcracker CB (11-14)

The Nutcracker BRB (11-14)

The Nutcracker BRB (11-15)

The Nutcracker BRB (11-16)The Nutcracker BRB (11-17)

The Nutcracker BRB (11-18)

The Nutcracker BRB (11-19)

The Nutcracker BRB (11-21)

The Nutcracker BRB (11-22)

The Nutcracker BRB (11-23)

The Nutcracker G (02-15)

The Nutcracker M (12-15)

The Nutcracker M (12-19)

The Nutcracker BRB (11-24)

The Ocean at The End of The Lane A (05-23)

The Ocean at the End of the Lane G (09-24)

The Odyssey D (02-14)

The Osmonds - A new musical G (03-21)

The Osmonds - A New Musical A (10-21)

The Other Half BR (11-14)

The Owl and the Pussycat CB (02-17)

The Palace of Varieties D (01-22)

The Perfect Murder M (02-14)

The Perfect Murder CB (02-14)

The Perfect Murder A (11-14)

The Perfect Murder CB (03-16)

The Picture of Dorian Gray M (05-19)

The Playboy of The West Indies BR (06-22)

The Play That Goes Wrong M (04-14)

The play that goes wrong CB (01-17)

The Play That Goes Wrong G (04-14)

The Play That Goes Wrong G (04-17)

The Play That Goes Wrong BR (06-17)

The Play That Goes Wrong M (07-17)

The Play That Goes Wrong H (03-18)

The Play That Goes Wrong M (08-18)

The Play That Goes Wrong B (09-21)

The Play That Goes Wrong H (10-21)

The Play That Goes Wrong A (05-22)

The Play What I Wrote BR (12-21)

The Play What I Wrote M (02-22)

The Phantom of the Opera H (03-13)

The Pickwick Papers M (12-13)

The Pirates of Penzance G (06-14)

The Pitmen Painters G (05-11)

The Pitmen Painters M (03-13)

The Plough and the Stars BR (10-12)

The Prince of The Pagodas BRB (02-14)

The Private Ear/The Public Eye M (09-13)

The Prodigals CB (09-13)

The Producers A (04-15)

The Provoked Wife RSC (06-19)

The Pyramid Texts BR (05-15)

The Quiet House BR (06-16)

The Railway Children M (08-17)

The Rat Pack - Live from Las Vegas A (03-18)

The Real and Imagined History of the Elephant Man CB (10-23)

The Red Chair BR (09-15)

The Red Shoes H (02-17)

The Red Shoes H (07-17)

The Red Shoes H  (02-20)

The Red Shoes RSC (12-24)

Three Men in a Boat M (09-14)

Three of a kind BRB (02-14)

The Real Thing M (10-17)

The Remains of The Day D (04-19)

The Rememberers BR (02-11)

There’s a Monster in your Show D (05-24)

Therese Raquin M (08-14)

The Revenger's Tragedy NP (11-16)

The Rise and Fall of Little Voice G (09-12)

The Rise and Fall of Little Voice CB (05-13)

The rise and fall of Little Voice BR (05-15)

The Rise and Fall of Little Voice M (04-22)

The Rise and Fall of Little Voice D (05-22)

Roberto Devereux BR (03-19)

The Rocky Horror Show A (10-10)

The Rocky Horror Show G (02-10)

The Rocky Horror Show A (01-13)

The Rocky Horror Show G (10-13)

The Rocky Horrror Show A (01-16)

The Rocky Horror Show M (05-16)

The Rocky Horror Show A (10-16)

The Rocky Horror Show G (10-19)

The Rocky Horror Show CB (10-22)

The Rotters' Club BR (04-16)

The Ruff Tuff Cream Puff Estate Agency CB (10-21)

The Russian Doctor BR (09-14)

The Rocky Horror Show A (09-21)

The Rocky Horror Show A (03-23)

The Sacrifice H (03-23)

The Scarecrow's Wedding M (07-17)

The School for Scandal D (03-24)

The School for Scandal M (04-24)

The Siege BR (06-15)

The Secret Adversary CB (04-15)

The Secret Garden BR 11-10

The Secret Lives of Henry and Alice SW (06-19)

The Shakespeare Revue M (08-16)

The Shark is Broken M (01-25)

The Shawshank Redemption A (09-15)

The Shawshank Redemption G (09-16)

The Shawshank Redemption D (10-16)

The Shawshank Redemption D (09-22)

The Shawshank Redemption M (09-22)

The Shawshank Redemption A (11-22)

The Silver Sword CB (09-15)

The Sisterhood CB (02-16)

The Sleeping Beauty BRB (10-13)

The Sleeping Beauty BRB (02-18)

The Sleeping Beauty BRB (02-24)

The Smallest Show on Earth CB (10-15)

The Smallest Show on Earth M (11-15)

The Snail and the Whale M (07-18)

The Snow Dragon H (01-18)

The Snow Maiden NOT (03-17)

The Snowman BR (12-11)

The Snowman BR (01-14)

The Snowman BR (01-17)

The Snowman BR (01-19)

The Snowman BR (01-22)

The Snow Queen OLD (11-19)

The Song Contest of The Birds and The Beasts WNO H (07-10)

The Solid Life of Sugar Water BR (02-16)

The Sound of Music H (07-10)

The Sound of Music M (02-16)

The Sound of Music G (10-16)

The Sound of Music A (01-18)

The Sound of Music CB (02-18)

The Sound of Music G (03-20)

The Sound of Music A (08-24)

The Spalding Suite H (05-15)

The Spongebob Musical H (04-23)

The Spongebob Musical G (06-23)

The Strange Case of Jekyll & Hyde OLD (02-20)

The String Quartet’s Guide to Sex and Anxiety BR (05-18)

The Suppliant Women YV (11-17)

The Swan BRB (04-20)

The Syndicate A (06-24)

The Tailor of Inverness BR (03-16)

The Taming of the shrew BRB (06-16)

The Tart and the Vicar's Wife LG (10-09) 

The Tempest RO (10-12)

The Tempest H (10-16)

The Tempest RSC (12-16)

The Tempest CB (06-18)

The Tempest WR (09-19)

The Tempest RSC (02-23

The Tempest music H (10-16)

The Three Phantoms H (02-11)

The Three Choirs Festival 2015 (08-15)

The Three Choirs Festival 2013 (08-13)

The Three Muskateers WR (07-24)

The Threepenny Opera BR (03-14)

The Tiger Who Came To Tea M (08-17)

The Tiger Who Came to Tea TH (01-19)

The Time Machine M (03-23)

The Trouble With Old Lovers G (07-13)

The Turnip Field ST (05-21)

The Twelve Dates of Christmas OJ (12-12)

The Two Noble Kinsmen RSC (08-16)

The Two Worlds of Charlie F A (07-12)

The Two Worlds of Charlie F G (03-14)

The Two Worlds of Charlie F (04-14)

The Underground Man (04-17)

The Vagina Monologues H (11-11)

The Verdict M (01-17)

The Verdict G (05-17)

The Verdict CB (02-19)

The Verdict LG (02-23)

The Verdict M (06-23)

The Verdict D (06-23)

The Very Hungry Caterpillar Show M (05-17)

The Way Old Friends Do BR (02-23)

The Wedding Singer A (05-17)

The Wedding Singer G (10-17)

The White Card BR (06-22)

The Wind in the Willows BR (12-12)

The Wind in the Willows OLD (12-16)

The Wind in the Willows LG (07-23)

The Winslow Boy BR (02-18)

The Wipers Times BR (10-18)

The Wiz BR (at Alex) (06-11)

The Wizard of Oz H (06-24)

The Wizard of Oz G (07-24)

The Wizard of Oz: A ‘Wicked’ Pantomime Adventure. OLD (11-24)

The Woman in Black M (05-13)

The Woman in Black M (06-15)

The woman in black LG (09-16)

The Woman in Black M (11-23)

The Woman in Black G (05-17)

The Woman in Black M (08-21)

The Woman in Black G (09-23)

The woman in Black CB (04-24)

The Woman in White G (07-11)

The Woman in White LG (02-13)

The Worst Witch CB (04-19)

The Worst Witch H (05-19)

The 3 Little Pigs TH (07-15)

The 39 Steps BR (05-10)

The 39 Steps CB (04-13)

The 39 Steps M (06-13)

The 39 Steps BR (02-16)

The 39 Steps M (05-24)

The 39 Steps A (06-24)

The Whip Hand BR (09-17)

The Worst Witch M (03-19)

This is Elvis A (03-18)

This is my family CB (10-14)

This Might Hurt D (09-16)

366 Days of Kindness BR (12-13)

Though This Be Madness CB (10-21)

Thoroughly Modern Millie A (02-17)

Three Men in a Boat CB (10-14)

Three Minute Heroes CB (10-14)

Three Short Ballets BRB (06-17)

Three Short Pieces BRB (04-14)

The Wedding D (02-18)

The Wipers Times M (09-18)

Three Witches CB (10-13)

The Wolf and Peter H (12-16)

The Wizard of Oz BR (11-18)

The Wizard of Oz G (07-24)

This House BR (04-18)

This House M (05-18)

This Little Relic CB (09-21)

3 Steps to Heaven A (01-14)

Thriller Live G (09-10)

Thriller Live H (04-11)

Thriller Live G (11-14)

Thriller live A (03-16)

Thriller Live A (06-19)

Thriller LIVE! CB (03-18) 

Thriller Live M (06-19)

Thrill Me – The Leopold & Loeb Story OJS (05-18) 

Thomas Trotter SH (10-23)

tick, tick, BOOM! OJS (01-16)

Tim Brooke-Taylor D (04-17)

Timon of Athens RSC (12-18)

Titanic- The Musical H (06-18)

Titanic - The Musical H (04-23)

Titus Andronicus RSC (07-17)

To a simple rock 'n' roll . . . song BR (04-18)

To Move in Time BR (05-24)

Toast M (02-16)

Toast M (09-19)

To Build a Wooden O M (09-15)

Top Hat H (08-11) 

To Kill a Mocking Bird G (05-11)

To Kill a Mocking Bird M (09-14)

To Kill a Mocking Bird A (11-14)

Tom Gates Live on Stage! A (03-19)

Tommy BR (05-17)

Tom's Midnight Garden BR (11-13)

Toms Midnight Garden CB (04-14)

Tom - The Musical A (06-16)

Tonight at 8.30 - Noel Coward M (06-14)

Tonight's The Night A (02-14)

Tony! (The Tony Blair Rock Opera) BR (06-23)

Tony! (The Tony Blair Rock Opera) D (09-23)

Tony! (The Tony Blair Rock Opera) M (07-23)

Top Hat G (10-14)

Top Hat H (03-15)

Toro: Beauty and the Bull H (03-18)

Tosca WNO (11-13)

Tosca WNO (03-18)

To Sir With Love G (10-13)

To Sir With Love BR (04-17)

Travesties BT (09-11)

Traces H (02-10)

Translunar Paradise H (01-18)

Travels with my aunt M (05-16)

Treasure Island BR (11-16)

Treasure Island D (12-21)

Trial by Laughter M (01-19)

Triple Bill BRB (09-17)

Triple Bill BRB (06-23)

Tristan and Isolde WNO (06-12)

Trying it on BR (06-18)

Turandot WNO H (06-11)

Turn of the Screw M (03-18)

Turn of The Screw D (05-19)

Twelfth Night CB (11-12)

Twelfth Night BR (04-16)

Twelfth Night G (07-17)

Twelfth Night RSC (12-17)

Twelfth Night WR (10-18)

Twelfth Night RSC (12-24)

Twelve Angry Men BR (10-13)

Twelve Angry Men M (10-13)

Twelve Angry Men CB (02-15)

Twelve Angry Men G (05-15)

Twelve Angry Men A (10-23)

Twelve Angry Men D (01-24)

Twelve Angry Men M (03-24)

Twelve Angry Men LG (04-24)

Two D (03-18)

Two Trains Running D (10-19)

20 Years Celebration BRB (03-10)

20th Century Boy A (04-14)

20th Century Boy G (06-14)

20th Century Boy M (04-18)


Ulysses' homecoming M (10-16)

Urban: Circolombia H (05-12)

Ubu Roi WAC (02-13)

Ulla's Odyssey CB (03-17)

Un Ballo in Maschera  WNO (03-19)

Uncle Richard L (10-16)

Unexpected Twist CB (04-23)

Unfortunate: The Untold Story of Ursula the Sea Witch H (12-19)

Unfortunate G (07-24)

Under Milk Wood M (05-14)

Under Milk Wood BR (06-14)

Under Milk Wood M (08-19)

Under The Umbrella CB (03-19)

Unexpected Twist M (05-23)

Unknown Male BR (01-15)


Up 'n' Under BR (03-18)

Unusual Shorts HT (09-23)

Utopia SF (11-19)

Value Engineering BR (11-21)

Vamos Cuba H (11-16)

Vampomime CB (12-15)

Variations Triple Bill BRB (10-15)

Verdict G (02-11)

Vice Versa RSC (05-17)


Waiting for Godot BR (03-12)

Waiting for God M (06-17)

Wait Until Dark LG (10-17)

Wait Until Dark M (10-17)

Waitress H (05-22)

Waitress G (06-22)

War Correspondents M (05-14)

War Horse H (10-13)

War Horse H (10-18)

War Correspondents BR (04-14)

Wasteland BR (05-23)

Waswasa - Whispers in Prayer H (08-22)

We’ll Live and Die in these Towns CB (10-18)

Wendy and Peter Pan RSC (12-15)

West Side Story A (04-14)

West Side Story A (08-17)

We Will Rock You H (07-11)

We Will Rock You H (07-22)

We Will Rock You MS (06-13)

We will Rock You G (05-22)

We're going on a bear hunt TH (12-15)

We're Going on a Bear Hunt CB (05-17)

West Side Story H (08-19)

What shadows BR (11-16)

What's in a name BR (01-17)

What's in a name? A (03-20)

What's New Pussycat? BR (10-21)

What The Butler Saw D (06-24)

What the Butler Saw M (07-24)

Wicked H (07-14)

Wicked H (03-24)

Wipers CB (05-16)

Wish You Were Dead M (06-23)

Wish You Were Dead A (06-23)

Withnail and I BR (05-24)

Witness for the Prosecution G (03-10)

What The Ladybird Heard CB (04-18)

What The Moon Saw H (12-17)

When a Child is a Witness CC (02-22)

Where is Mrs Christie? WR (09-17)

Whisky Galore CB (06-18)

Who killed "Agatha" Christie? G (07-11)

Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? M (07-14)

Who killed Santa Claus? M (11-16)

William Shakespeare’s Long Lost First Play (abridged) BR (02-17)

William Tell WNO (11-14)

Winnie and Wilbur BR (04-17)

Wise Children CB (04-19)

Wit and Science KES (07-19)

WNO Family Concert TH (06-18)

Wodehouse in Wonderland M (01-23)

Wodehouse in Wonderland D (02-23)

Wolfie and the Showgirl C (07-17)

Woman in Mind BR (06-14)

Women of the Windrush H (11-23)

Wonderful Town H (05-12)

Wonderland A (02-17)

Would You Bet Against Us? BR (05-22)

Wounded BR (11-12)

Woyzeck BR (06-18)

Wrecking Ball BR (02-17)


Volpone RSC (08-15)

Yes, Prime Minister H (05-11)

Yes, Prime Minister G (05-13)

You're only young twice G (07-12)

Zeppelin Dreams G (03-14)

Zog M (06-19)