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A case of
Siamese wins
The King
and I Birmingham
Hippodrome ****
LOOSELY based on the memoires of Anna
Leonowen's, The King and I
traces the culture clashing relationship between a prim and proper
British teacher and the bombastic King of Siam whose 70 plus
children she has been hired to educate. Given the
Rodgers and Hammerstein treatment, this rather charming tale is littered
with a host of songs that have become classics over the years.
That, coupled with the huge success of the movie, has ensured its
popularity with audiences to this day. The story, like most good
yarns, is a simple one. Miss Anna, (Josefina Gabrielle) a nice,
voluminously dressed and well meaning lady from Wales
(though it must have been a particularly posh part of The Principality
given her clipped tones) arrives in Siam with her son.(Alex Dingley ). She has been hired by the
reigning King (Ramon Tikaram ) to teach his brood of offspring. Given
such a huge desire to create so many children, it's a miracle he has
time to run the country - but run it he does,
and with some pride and panache. The two worlds
inevitably collide and it's this difference in culture and language
which provides the backbone of the humour. Designer Sara Perks's set, framed by two giant Buddhas, is simple but effective. Particularly pleasing on the eye are the flown in multi-coloured paper lanterns, giving just the right atmosphere against the dark surroundings. The Orchestra, placed at
the back of the stage, become a human backdrop which works rather well.
Performances are mostly solid.
Ramon Tikaram makes his King brusque but approachable - a lion
with a sensitive side. Nice six-pack too - must be all that indoor
activity. Josefina Gabrielle brings a
modern edge to Miss Anna - a feminist way before feminism was
invented. Claire-Marie Hall brings impressive pathos as Tup -Tim and
Alex Dingley avoids stage school over acting in a measured and ‘real'
performance as Louis. At the risk of sounding
politically incorrect, it must be near impossible to find a brood of
Siamese children in Birmingham, Plymouth or indeed any of the towns on
this tour. Consequently, what we see is a bit of a Bash Street Kids
assortment of little ones. No matter though - its amazing what make up
and scraped back hair can do! At times, more so in Act 1, it
felt a little slow and the pace seemed to drop a little. That
said, when it worked it came alive and those truly memorable songs were
delivered beautifully. The King and I,
directed by Paul Kerryson, runs to 05-05-12 Tom
Roberts Meanwhile
from the back of the palace . . . *****
TICKETS are flying out for this beautiful Rodgers & Hammerstein musical
which was a great film and is proving just as successful as a touring
stage show. It's two-and-a-half hour long,
but grips the attention of the audience from start to finish with a
heart-warming story, dramatic scenery, sumptuous costumes and beautiful
music. Two giant gold Buddahs and
gong dominate the sets, and a clever use of silhouette figures adds to
the realistic atmosphere in the palace of the King of Siam who recruits
a British governess to teach his army of cute children as part of a
drive to modernise his country. Former EastEnder Ramon Tikaram
is convincing as the strong-willed ruler who finds the suggestion of one
man for one woman foreign to his way of thinking as he parades many
attractive wives. He insists no-one's head must
be higher than his, which proves a little difficult for Josefina
Gabrielle, playing Anna, as she is taller than the King. However, she is
a delight as the teacher who, despite many clashes with her royal
employer, develops an increasing attraction for him, and there is a very
touching finale scene when Anna is called to the dying king. An outstanding performance,
too, from Maya Sapone (Lady Thiang), and the children in the cast are
skilled in royal behaviour, particularly in the March of the Siamese
Children. Memorable songs include Shall We Dance, I Whistle a
Happy Tune, Getting to Know You and Hello Young Lovers. The excellent orchestra is
unobtrusively tucked away at the rear of the stage for this lovely show
directed by Paul Kerryson. It runs to 05-05-12. Paul Marston