To find a review by title then click on the appropriate letter.
To find a review  for a show by a particular group then click on By Affiliate
Productions which start with A or An and so on will come under A, titles starting with The will be listed under T. Titles starting with a number  will be listed alphabetically i.e. 84 is listed as Eighty. The theatre is indicated by its initial while  month and date are indicated in parentheses after the title. 

Affiliate codes:

A-Arcadians, CP-Circle Players, DL - Dudley Little Theatre,

GP - Grange Players, GW- Great Whitley, GC - Gloucester Cathedral

HG - Hall Green Little Theatre, HT - Highbury Theatre Centre,, L-Loft Leamington Spa, LO - Lichfield Operatic BP - Bearpit, Stratford-upon-Avon,

LP - Lapworth Players, M - Moorpool Players, MIN - Mint Theatre Society MO - Manor Musical Theatre Company

NO - Nonentities, P - Phoenix Singers, PR - Priory Kenilworth, S2 - Stage 2,  SAT - Sutton Arts Theatre,

ST - Swan Theatre Amateur Company,  BY- Birmingham Youth Theatre,

STS - Second Thoughts, Stratford,  TF - Tinkers Farm Opera, T-Talisman, Kennilworth

R - Rose Theatre BH - Bridge House Theatre KES - King Edward VI, Stratford upon Avon CT -Criterion Theatre



  B  C  D  E  G  H  I  J  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 

Reviews By Affiliate

Contents page


Abandonment HT (04-10)

Abigail's Party ST (10-15)

Abigail's Party HT (01-24)

Absent Friends HT (09-18)

Absolute Hell SAT (09-19)

Absurd Person Singular HT (02-15)

Absurd Person Singular SAT (01-20)

A Bunch of Amateurs HT (04-24)

A Christmas Carol MIN (11-17)

A Christmas Carol: A Fairytale CT (12-24)

A Chorus of Disapproval  S2 (01-14)

Accomplice GP (09-23)

A Day in the death of Joe Egg NO (05-10)

A Different Way Home NO (01-11)

A Doll's House SAT (02-15)

A fallible lecture S2 (04-16)

After The Dance SAT (02-12)

Agatha Crusty and the Village Hall Murders HG (06-17)

Agnes of God ST (06-22)

Agnes of God NO (11-23)

A Handful of Laughs M (05-10)

Ajax BH (02-13)

Aladdin and his wonderful lamp SAT (12-10)

Aladdin RP (01-14)

Aladdin SAT (12-15)

Aladdin HG (12-16)

Aladdin BY (11-17)

Alfie NO (10-10)

Ali Baba HG (11-11)

Alice S2 (07-19)

Alice's Adventures in S2 (01-13)

Alice in Wonderland HG (10-18)

All my sons DL (09-15)

All My Sons ST (03-14)

All My Sons L (02-17)

All My Sons HT (06-19)

All My Sons SAT (09-23)

'Allo 'Allo HG (07-13)

All Shook Up SC (09-18)

Amadeus GP (11-11)

A Mad World My Masters G (02-14)

A Midsummer Night's Dream SAT (06-12)

A Midsummer Night's Dream T (06-18)

A Midsummer Night’s Dream S2 (07-24)

A Month in the country HG (03-10)

A Month of Sundays GP (09-22)

A Murder is Announced NO (01-13)

A Murder is Announced HG (05-14)

Amy's View GP (07-10)

And then there were none GP (05-15)

And Then There Were None SAT (08-18)

And then there were none HG (03-22)

And Then There Were None NO (05-22)

An Evening of Victorian Melodramas M (11-11)

An Ideal Husband SAT (09-21)

A Night In Venice TF (10-12)

An Evening of Victorian Melodrama, Murder, Mystery & Mayhem M (11-14)

An Inspector Calls DL (03-10)

Anne Boleyn L (10-21)

Antigone BH (02-14)

Antigone HG (02-23)

Anyone for breakfast SAT (05-17)

Anything Goes BMY (05-11)

Arms and the Man ST (03-23)

Arrangements for Murder ST (12-11)

Arsehammers/The Year of the Monkey S2 (01-11)

Arsehammers-Adult child/Dead child S2 (01-18)

Arsenic and Old Lace HP (11-10)

Arsenic and Old Lace GP (01-12)

Art HT (10-22)

Art L (01-23)

Arthur and George SAT (03-13)

Arthur and George HG (06-14)

Asking for Murder ST (12-12)

A Slice of Life NO (07-21)

A Streetcar Named Desire SAT (03-17)

A tale of two cities CT (10-16)

A Taste of Honey SAT (03-23)

A trick to catch the old one KES (03-17)

At the sign of the crippled harlequin GP (11-18)

A Tomb With a View NO (11-24)

A Vicar of Dibley Christmas HG (09-18)

Avenue Q AQ (02-15)

A Walk in the Woods SAT (10-22)

A Wayne in a Manger S2 (01-17)

A World Apart IN (10-10)


Babes in the Wood HG (12-18)

Barefoot in the Park HG (09-10)

Barefoot in the Park HT (02-20)

Bazaar and Rummage NO (11-14)

Bazaar And Rummage ST (10-23)

Bazaar and Rummage HG (01-25)Bedroom Farce SAT (03-15)

Bedroom Farce DL (05-17)

Beryl HT (05-18)

Bette and Joan (The Final Curtain) GP (11-14)

Birdsong SAT (03-18)

Black Coffee DL (09-16)

Black Coffee NO (05-24)

Black Adder Goes Forth DL (05-14)

Black Roses HG (10-15)

Blackthorn HT (01-20)

Blithe Spirit ST (11-11)

Blithe Spirit HG (01-14)

Blithe Spirit NO (09-17)

Blithe Spirit HT (09-19)

Blood Brothers HG (02-11)

Blood Brothers - The Play GP (05-13)

Blood Brothers - The Play NO (06-13)

Blood Brothers - The Play DL (09-17)

Blood Brothers - The Play HT (04-23)

Blue Remembered Hills ST (04-17)

Blue Remembered Hills HT (03-24)

Boeing Boeing NO (01-14)

Boeing Boeing GP (01-15)

Boeing-Boeing DL (05-16)

Boeing, Boeing HT (01-18)

Boston Marriage HT (03-15)

Boudica L (06-23)

Bouncers ST (08-15)

Bouncers and Shakers HT (02-13)

Bouncers and Shakers DL (03-16)

Bracken Moor GP (11-16)

Brassed Off GP (09-11)

Breaking the Code NO (02-16)

Brief Encounter DL (03-14)

Brief Encounter ST (02-15)

Brief Encounter HG (03-16)
Broken Glass HG (11-15)

Brontë HT (10-10)

Brontë GP (11-10)

Buddy - The Buddy Holly Story SC (06-15)

Bunkered HG (09-22)


Camille SAT (06-11)

Calamity Jane MO (04-16)

Calendar Girls ST (10-13)

Calendar Girls NO (02-23)

Calendar Girls HT (06-23)

Call Me Dusty HG (11-17)

Carousel  A (04-10)


Caught in the Net ST (07-10)

Caught on the hop SAT (06-14)

Chase me Up Farndale Avenue, S’il Vous Plait NO (01-20)

Chase me up Farndale Avenue, s’il vous plait HG (04-23)

Children of the Wolf HT (10-16)

Cinderella SAT (12-12)

Cinderella RWP (12-15)

Cinderella SAT (12-17)

Chime Hours HG (03-18)

Chorus of Disapproval NO (12-14)

Chorus of Disapproval CP (06-16)

Cinderella HG (12-17)

Class GP (11-24)

Cleo, Camping, Emmanuelle & Dick SAT (03-12)

Clouds HG (06-24)

Comic Potential BP (06-10)

Communicating Doors ST (02-17)

Company SAT (05-22)

Confusions ST (08-13)

Confusions GP (01-20)

Constellations HG (02-24)

Contractions and The American Dream HT (10-12)

Copenhagen SAT (10-10)

Copenhagen NO (10-24)

Copacabana YS (05-12)

Coram Boy GC (06-19)

Corpse NO (04-13)

Coventry Schools Young Entertainer of the Year  CB (04-14)

Cranford NO (06-22)

Curtain Up HG (09-19)



Dad's Army NO (06-16)

Daisy Pulls It Off NO (06-12)

Dangerous Corner HG (05-11)

Dangerous Corner HT (05-17)

Dangerous Obsession SAT (10-17)

Dangerous Obsession NO(02-18)

Dangerous Obsession GP (06-24)

Darker Shores HG (02-13)

Dark Road HG (04-16)

Day of Reckoning ST (08-10)

Dead Guilty NO (04-10)

Dead Man's Hand HT (05-19)

Dear Jack, Dear Louise NO (10-22)

Death and the Maiden HT (05-14)

Death and the maiden ST (06-16)

Death by Design SAT (01-16)

Death in High Heels DL (09-13)

Death of a Salesman HT (03-23)

Deathtrap HT (11-12)

Deathtrap NO (02-13)

Delivered Dozen G (05-18)

Desdemona - a play about a handkerchief ST (08-16)

Di and Viv and Rose HT (05-23)

Dial M for Murder SAT (10-16)

Dial M for Murder HG (02-17)

Dick Barton, Special Agent HG (05-10)

Dick Barton & The Curse of the Pharaoh's Tomb HG (03-13) 

Dick Barton: The Tango of Terror (07-16)

Dick Whittington HG (12-12)

Dick Whittington SAT (12-18)

Die Fledermaus GW (03-10)

Ding Dong SAT (02-19)

Disconnected HG (06-16)

Disney's High School Musical YS (05-11)

Disposing of the body HG (03-24)

Dodger HG (09-17)

Don't Dress For Dinner NO (04-12)

Don't Dress For Dinner GP (01-13)

Don't dress for dinner HT (02-16)

Don't Dress For Dinner ST (02-19)

Doubt GP (03-11)

Doubt HT (03-16)

Dracula DL 12-10

Dracula NO (05-13)

Duet for One SAT (05-12)

Duet for One ST (06-17)

Dusk rings a bell HT (05-13)


Earth and Sky HT (07-10)

Edith in the Dark GP (05-16)

Edith in The Dark HG (03-20)

Educating Rita HT (09-13)

Educating Rita GP (09-24)

84 Charring Cross Road DL (09-10)

Elsie and Norm’s Macbeth NO (04-19)

Elton John's Glasses GP (11-21)

Emma SAT (05-13)

Entertaining Angels GP (03-13)

Entertaining Angels HT (04-13)

Entertaining Angels NO (01-16)

Entertaining Mr Sloane ST (10-12)

Equus HT (06-15)


Fallen Angels PR (10-16)

Fawlty Towers DL (05-11)

Fame - The Musical SAT (06-18)

Family Planning M (11-12)

Far from the madding crowd HG (03-18)

Farndale Macbeth HG (02-12)

Farndale Christmas Carol HG (11-14)

Fawlty Towers HG (09-13)

Female of the Species HT (04-11)

First Things First HT (02-12)

Flare Path HT (03-13)

Flare Path NO (10-13)

Flat Out (SAT (01-23)

Flint Street Nativity NO (11-16)

Filumena HT (10-19)

42nd Street CB (06-16)

Four Nights in Knaresborough HG (11-10)

Foxfinder HT (06-14)

Fright Night NO (07-21)

Funny Money ST (05-13)

Funny Money GP (05-18)

Funny Girl SAT (06-23)


Galatea KES (04-14)

Game Plan GP (09-10)

Gaslight ST (02-10)

Gaslight GP (03-19)

Gaslight NO (11-21)

Gaslight HG (03-23)

Ghosts NO (04-14)

Ghost Train SAT (10-13)

Ghost Train NO (11-23)

Ghost Writer NO (09-12)

Gigi SAT (08-13)
Girls Like That S2 (07-15)

Glorious! NO (05-19)

Glorious! LO (11-24)

Go Back for Murder GP (11-22)

Godspell A (10-11)

God of Carnage ST (03-15)

God of Carnage HT (05-15)

God of Carnage NO (04-17)

Going Straight NO (09-22)

Goldilocks and the Three Bears HG (12-12)

Goodnight Mr Tom SAT (09-17)

Goodnight Mr Tom HG (07-22)

Goody Two Shoes HT (12-10)

Groping for Words ST (04-13)

Groping for Words M (05-15)

Guys and Dolls SAT (06-19)


Habeas Corpus HG (09-15)

Habeas Corpus HT (09-16)

Habeas Corpus GP (01-19)

Hairspray YS (11-11)

Hairspray SC (05-16)

Hamlet S2 (04-15)

Handbagged HT (03-22)

Hard Working Families S2 (01-16)

Haunting Julia GP (05-14)

Hay Fever HG (01-18)

Hedda Gabler HT (11-11)

Hello Dolly BMY (05-10)

Hello Dolly SAT (06-17)

Heroes ST (08-14)

Heroes GP (05-17)

Heroes NO (04-22)

Hobson's Choice GP (03-12)

Hobson's Choice HT (09-17)

Hobson's Choice HG (07-19)

Holmes for the Holidays GP (01-17)

Home, I'm Darling NO (09-24)

Home, I'm Darling HT (01-24)

Honour HT (01-14)

Hotel Paradiso NO (04-11)

How the other half loves HT (01-22)

Hound of the Baskervilles HG (11-12)

House Guest HT (11-21)

How the other half loves SAT (09-11)

How the other half loves ST (02-23)

How to Date a Feminist HT (05-24)

Humble Boy HT (03-12)



I Am S2 (12-23)

In at the deep end ST (07-11)

Inspector Drake and the PerfeKt Crime NO (09-23)

Interior Designs and The Regina Monologues  CP (10-15)

Interview for Murder ST (12-13)

In Two Minds NO (01-12)

I ought to be in pictures HT (01-17)

It Runs in The Family HT (09-22)


Jack and the Beanstalk TA (12-12)

Jack and the beanstalk SAT (12-16)

Jack and The Beanstalk HG (12-19)

Jane Eyre DL (03-13)

Jerusalem SAT (03-18)

Journey's End ST (11-10)

Journey's End SAT (09-14)

Jumpy HT (04-15)

Juno and the paycock L (02-16)


Killed, July 17, 1916 HG (05-10)

Kindly Leave The Stage HG (07-24)

Kismet TF (05-14)

Kiss Me Kate MO (04-18)

Kiss me, stupid! SAT (01-24)

Kindertransport HT (11-13)

King Charles III T (05-19)


Ladies Down Under GP (03-10)

Ladies in Lavender GP (03-17)

Ladies in Lavender HG (05-17)

Lady Windermere's Fan NO (02-14)

Lady Windermere's Fan HG (04-17)

Late Entry HT (05-14)

Laughter on the 23rd Floor SAT (06-13)

Les Liaisons Dangereuses NO (02-12)

Lettice and Lovage HT (12-16)

Lettice and Lovage NO (02-24)

Life X 3 LO (01-24)

Lillies on the Land HT (06-17)

Lillies on the Land GP (11-23)

Little Red Riding Hood HG (12-15)

Little Women ST (02-16)

Living Together HG (07-23)

Lockdown in Little Grimley HT (06-21)

London Suite HT (06-24)

Look Back in Anger NO (10-17)

Loot HT (02-14)

Lord of the Flies S2 (07-23)

Love Letters HG (06-19)

Love, Love, Love HT (02-23)

Love on the Dole HG (04-14)

Lovesong HT (03-18)

Lucky Sods MIN (11-18)


Macbeth NO (02-17)

Macbeth LO (11-23)

Made in Dagenham SC (03-17)

Martha, Josie and The Chinese Elvis HT (12-15)

Maurice's Jubilee HT (10-21)

Medea LO (01-25)

Men of the World ST (08-18)

Mindgame SAT (10-15)

Mindgame NO (01-24)

Misery SAT (11-12) 

Miss Julie NO (11-15)

Mojo HG (02-13)

Mosquitoes L (09-24)

Mixed Doubles ST (06-23)

Mother Goose DL (12-13)

Mother Goose SAT (12-14)

Move Over, Mrs Markham HT (02-11)

Much ado about Shakespeare HG (06-12)

Much Ado About Nothing HT (06-13)

Much Ado About Nothing NO (02-20)

Muddy Cows NO (04-16)

Murdered to Death NO (01-17)

Murder in Play HP (11-11)

Murder, Margaret and Me HG (06-18)

Murder on the Nile NO (01-15)

My Boy Jack HG (11-11)

My Boy Jack NO (05-12)

My Cousin Rachel DL (03-15)

My Cousin Rachel GP (03-22)

My Mother Said I Never Shoould ST (04-10)


Nativity! The Musical SAT (12-24)

Natural Causes ST (06-15)

Neighbourhood Watch ST (02-18)

Neighbourhood Watch NO (05-18)

Nell Gwynn L (07-18)

Nell Gwynn HT (09-21)

Nell Gwynn NO (06-23)

Neville's Island SAT (05-15)

Neville's Island ST (10-19)

Nil By Mouth ST (02-12)

Nobody's Perfect ST (05-10)

Noises Off ST (11-14)

Noises Off NO (06-15)

Noises off SAT (09-15)

No Sex Please We're British HT (09-12)

No Sex Please, We're British NO (01-18)

Notes from a small Island HT (11-24)


Oh What a Lovely War NO (06-14)

Oh what a lovely war A (11-14)

Oh What a Night A (03-12)

Oklahoma! MO (04-14)

Old King Cole HG (07-17)

Old Time Music Hall HG (07-15)

Oleanna HT (02-12)

Oliver Twist HG (10-12)

One Man, Two Guvnors SAT (09-16)

One Man, Two Guvnors NO (06-17)

One Man, Two Guvnors HG (07-18)

Our Day Out S2 (07-11)

Our House HT (07-12)

Our House SC (10-17)

Our Town S2 (07-12)

Out of Order GP (01-14}

Outside Edge HG (07-11)


Pack of lies M (11-15)

Pardon me Prime Minister HG (05-15)

Party Piece G (03-16)

Passion Play HT (04-22)

Playhouse Creatures HT (10-11)

Perfect Nonsense NO (09-16)

Peter Pan R (12-11)

Peter Pan SC (10-15)

Peter Pan HG (12-23)

Picasso's Women S2 (01-12)

Platform 2 ST (04-23)

Prescription Murder HT (03-11)

Present Laughter NO (06-11)

Present Laughter L (06-22)

Pride and Prejudice DL (02-11)

Pride and Prejudice ST (05-15)

Priscilla, Queen of the Desert LO (09-22)

Private Lives HT (10-14)

Private Lives T (06-22)

Private Lives HG (01-22)

Private Peaceful S2 (01-15)

Privates on Parade L (09-14)

Proof NO (03-12)

Pygmalion NO (05-15)

Pygmalion HT (04-16)


Quartet GP (11-13)

Quartet NO (05-14)

Quartet ST (03-24)


Rabbit Hole SAT (10-18)

Rebecca NO (10-11)

Relatively Speaking SAT (10-14)

Relatively Speaking NO (10-15)

Relatively Speaking GP (05-22)

Relatively Speaking HT (09-23)

Rent A (05-14)

Requiem for Ground Zero S2 (07-17)

Reunion for Murder ST (12-10)

Ring Around The Moon DL (09-14)

Road S2 (04-12)

Robin Hood HG (12-13)

Robin Hood & the Babes in the Wood SAT (12-22)

Rockafella HG (04-10)

RolePlay HG (09-11)

Romeo and Juliet S2 (04-11)

Romeo and Juliet HG (02-17)

Rose and The Seven IN (11-11)

Roy Brown: Reclaiming Stonehenge HG (06-23)

Rules for Living HT (03-19)

Rules for Living GP (03-23)

Rumours NO (05-23)

Rumpelstiltskin HG (12-24)

Run for your wife GP (01-11)

Run for your wife SAT (02-14)


Salt of the Earth GP (07-12)

Season's Greetings NO (12-12)

Season's Greetings M (11-13)

Season's Greetings DL (12-14)

See How They Run DL (05-10)

See how they run GP (01-16)

See how they run NO (02-22)

Sense and Sensibility GP (07-16)

September in the Rain GP (05-19)

Sex Cells HG (03-19)

Shadowlands HT (06-11)

Shadowlands ST (10-18)

Shakers S2 (07-10)

Shakers Re-stirred ST (08-17)

Sheila's Island HT (10-24)

She Stoops to Conquer HT (06-14)

She Stoops to Conquer DL (05-15)

Shirley Valentine HG (02-16)

Shockheaded Peter S2 (01-12)

Sister Act A (05-15)

Skylight HT (02-13)

Slaughter of the Children HG (08-11)

Sleeping Beauty SAT (12-11)

Sleeping Beauty HG (12-14)

Sleeping Beauty SAT (12-21)

Sleeping Beauty HG (12-22)

Sleuth GP (09-13)

Sleuth HG (09-17)

Sleuth AT (10-19)

Smelling a rat GP (09-16)

Snake in the Grass HT (07-18)

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs ST (12-13)

Something's Afoot GP (09-15)

Something Classical NO (07-21)

Some mothers do 'ave 'em GP (01-24)

South Pacific MO (04-17)

Spirit Level ST (08-11)

Spirit Level CP (02-17)

Spring and Port Wine HT (11-10)

Spring Awakening RDY (03-13)

Spoonface Steinberg S2 (07-16)

St Trinian's The Musical HT (07-11)

Stage Struck NO (02-11)

Stage Struck HG (06-13)

Status Update & Education, Education, Education S2 (08-22)

Steaming SAT (03-14)

Steel Magnolias HT (03-14)

Straight and Narrow HG (03-11)

Strictly Murder HT (03-11)

Strictly Murder GP (11-12)

Strictly Murder HG (10-24)

Suddenly at Home HT (04-18)

Summer Holiday YS (05-10)

Summer Holiday HT (07-10) 

Summer's Last Will and Testament KES (09-17)

Summer Show 2012! M (07-12)

Swallows and Amazons S2 (07-14)


Taking Sides HT (10-23)

Talking Heads ST (04-16)

Talking Heads M (05-16)

Talking Heads NO (06-21)

Taking Steps ST (05-12)

Taking The Waters LO (07-22)

Teapots and Superglue SAT (03-24)

Teechers NO (02-10)

Teechers S2 (04-17)

Teechers ST (08-19)

10th Anniversary Concert YS (07-12)

The Accrington Pals GP (07-14)

The Accrington Pals HG (01-15)

The Addams Family MO (03-19)
The Anniversary SAT (04-11)

The Armed Man P (03-14)

The Arsonists HG (02-19)

The Ballad of Lady Bessy L (11-17)

The Bear, The Anniversary and The Proposal HT (10-13)
The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas A (04-11)

The Bingo Caller HG (04-13)
The Birthday Party HT (03-10)

The Birthday Party HG (02-14)

The Calendar Girls SAT (09-12)

The Cherry Orchard HG (05-12)

The Cherry Orchard T (05-17)
The Caretaker SAT (04-10)

The Children NO (03-23)

The Christmas Elves MIN (11-19)

The Complete History of America (Abridged) HT (01-14)

The Coarse Acting Show HT (02-19)

The Crucible L (05-19)

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time SAT (09-24)
The Darling Buds of May NO (05-11)

The Deep Blue Sea SAT (02-22)

The Diary of Anne Frank ST (02-13)

The Diary of Anne Frank T (10-16)

The Dixie Swim Club GP (03-20)

The Dixie Swim Club GP (01-22)

The Dresser GP (09-18)
The Dresser NO (06-10)

The Dresser MIN (03-18)

The Dresser PR (05-19)

The Dumb Waiter/This Wide Night SAT (04-23)

The Effect HG (05-22)
The Effect of Gamma Rays on Man-in-the-Moon Marigolds HG (03-10)

The End of the Affair GP (07-13)

The Entertainer L (10-16)

The Exorcism HG (01-12)

The Fantastic Mr Fox HG (05-19)

The Farndale Avenue Housing Estate Townswomen's Guild Dramatic Society "A Christmas Carol" HT (11-23)

The Farndale Avenue Housing Estate Townswomen’s Guild Dramatic Society Murder Mystery M (05-14)

The Farndale Avenue Housing Estate Townswomen’s Guild Dramatic Society Murder Mystery HT (02-23)

The Farndale Avenue Murder Mystery NO (09-21)

The Final Toast HG (09-14)

The Full Monty SC (03-18)

  The Gin Chronicles MIN (03-17)

The Girl on the Train SAT (09-22)

The Good Life HG (09-23)

The Good Life NO (06-24)

The Government Inspector LO (06-24)

To Kill a Mockingbird ST (10-16)

The King's Speech NO (02-19)

The King's Speech HT (09-24)

The Wind in The Willows L (07-21)

Touch and Go GP (07-17)

The Giaconda Smile BP (11-10)

The Gin Game SAT (04-19)

The Gingerbread Man HT (12-12)
The Glass Menagerie HT (02-11)

The Glass Menagerie DL (03-12)

The Glass Menagerie NO (05-16)
The Gondoliers GW (04-11)

The Happiest Days of Your Life GP (09-12)

The Haunted Through Lounge and Recessed Dining Nook at Farndale Castle HG (10-23)  

The Haunting NO (09-19)

The Haunting SAT (10-23)

The Heiress BP (06-12)

The Herbal Bed HT (06-16)

The Herd NO (11-19)
The Hound of the Baskervilles DL (09-12)

The Hound of the Baskervilles NO (09-16)

The Hound of the Baskervilles GP (01-25)

The Importance of Being Ernest GP (07-15)

The Importance of Being Earnest HT (09-15)

The Importance of Being Earnest RWP (06-16)

The Importance of Being Earnest NO (01-19)

The Importance of Being Earnest MIN (03-19)

The Invisible Man HG (01-20)

The Killing of Sister George NO (11-12)
The King and I A (10-10)

The Kingfisher SAT (05-14)

The Ladykillers GP (09-14)

The Ladykillers HT (12-14)

The Ladykillers HG (03-15)

The Ladykillers ST (10-17)

The Ladykillers NO (06-18)

The Lady's Trial KES (03-15)

The Late Marilyn Monroe SAT (04-24)

The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe DL (12-12)

The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe HG (10-22)

The Lion in Winter NO (11-17)

The Long and the Short and The Tall GP (03-14)
The Long Road HG (06-11)

The Maid’s Metamorphosis, KES (04-24)
The Maintenance Man NO (11-10)

The Malcontent KES (03-19)

The Merchant of Venice NO (02-15)
The Merry Widow TF (11-10)

The Merry Wives of Windsor NO (12-11)
The Odd Couple (Female Version) BP (06-11)

The Office DL 05-13

The Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe HT (12-11)

The Peacemakers P (06-13)

The Perfect Murder SAT (01-18)

The Pirates of Penzance TF (04-15)

The Plough and the Stars L (03-14)

The Railway Children NO (12-19)

The Railway Children HG (05-23)

The Regina Monologues & Bombshells HT (05-10)

The Rise and Fall of Little Voice GP (07-11)

The Rise and Fall of Little Voice LO (07-23)

The Seafarer L (03-22)

The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole aged 13¾ - The Play (09-11)

The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole HT (01-13)

The Secret Garden NO (11-21)

The Servant of Two Masters HT (06-12)

The Sleeping Beauty BMY (11-10)

The Sound of Music A (11-13)

The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde HT (12-22)

The Sunshine Boys HT (05-12)

The Tempest S2 (04-13)
The Things We Do For Love HT (09-10)

The 39 Steps HG (03-12)

The 39 Steps HT (09-11)

The 39 Steps SAT (10-11)

The 39 Steps ST (05-11)

The 39 Steps GP (05-12)

The 39 Steps NO (10-14)

The Titfield Thunderbolt GP (05-11)

The Thrill of Love HT (03-17)

The Trouble With Old Lovers HT (10-17)

The Turn of the Screw NO (01-25)

The Twelve Dancing Princesses PR (10-23)
The Twelve Days of Christmas YS (12-10)
The Unexpected Guest GP (05-10)
The Unexpected Guest HG (04-11)

The Velveteen Rabbit HG (04-24)The Vicar of Dibley HG (09-16)

The Vicar of Dibley NO (06-19)

The Vicar of Dibley NO (11-22)

The Vortex SAT (01-17)

The Wedding Singer BM (07-11)

The Wedding Singer SAT (06-16)

The Weir NO (10-12)

The Weir CP (10-16)

The Wind in the Willows NO (12-13)

The Wind in the Willows HG (10-19)

The Winslow Boy HT (09-14)

The Witches DL (12-16)

The Witches HG (05-18)

The Witches NO (11-18)

The Wizard of Oz A (10-12)

The Wizard of Oz NO (11-15)

The Wizard of Oz SC (10-16)

The Wizard of Oz SAT (12-19)

The Woman Hater KES (03-16)

The Women in the Moon KES (03-18)

The Woman in White NO (05-17)

The Woman in White GP (03-24)
The Wonderful Story of Mother Goose HG (12-10)

The World Goes ‘Round L (12-23)

They Came from Mars and Landed Outside the Farndale Avenue Church Hall In Time For The Townswomen’s Guild’s Coffee Morning HG (04-19)

Three Men in a Boat MIN (07-18)

Tom, Dick & Harry NO (01-23)

To Meet Oscar Wilde NO (11-13)

To Meet Oscar Wilde HG (05-16)

Tom's Midnight Garden GP (03-15)

Tom’s Midnight Garden HG (03-24)

Top Girls ST (10-24)

Tower Block Trio S2 (07-13)

Translations LO (02-24)

Traveler in the Dark HG (09-12)

Treasure Island DL (12-15)

Trivial Pursuits HG (07-12)

Trust Me, I'm a doctor KES (03-22)

Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Stars S2 (04-18)

Twist GP (11-19)

Twist NO (01-22)

Two M (05-13)

Two NO (04-15)

Two SAT (05-16)

Two Faces of the Mask LP (05-11)



Uncle Vanya L (10-24)

Under Katyń  BP (07-23)

Under Milk Wood S2 (04-10)

Under Milk Wood LO (05-14)

Underneath the Lintel CT (09-21)

Veronica's Room SAT (02-11)

Veronica's Room HT (10-15)

Visitors SAT (03-16)

Visitors NO (10-16)

Vita & Virginia NO (11-11)

Vita and Virginia ST (04-18)


Waiting for Godot BH (10-14)

Waiting for Godot HG (11-16)

Waiting for Waiting for Godot NO (04-24)

Wait Until Dark SAT (10-24)

Wallop Mrs Cox BMOS (06-10)

West Side Story SAT (06-15)

What the Butler Saw NO (09-13)

Whispers in The Graveyard HG (10-13)

White Poppies HG (10-14)

While We're Here ST (06-19)

Wife After Death HG (07-14)

Wind in the Willows DL (12-11)

Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf? HT (06-10)

Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf ST (09-12)

Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf HG (05-13)

Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? L (05-22)

Woman in Mind ST (04-19)

Write me a murder GP (11-15)

Why is John Lennon wearing a skirt? S2 (04-14)

Wuthering Heights DL (03-17)
Wyrd Sisters HG (10-11)


Yes, Prime Minister ST (02-20)
